(1 customer review)

Cannabis Oil Suppositories, Quarter-Gram, per Capsule

Quarter-gram Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil Suppositories (pure cannabis), sold individually, have been developed as part of a treatment for cancer as well as providing health benefits for many other ailments. Get relief from Pain and Insomnia.

Proven track record with hundreds of clients.



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Quarter-gram Cannabis Oil Suppository (Pure Cannabis) R65.00 each.

Cannabis Suppositories are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and body tissues and are the best way to use cannabis oil.

Suppositories can be ordered individually, or as described below, as part of a cancer treatment regimen (the quarter-gram cannabis oil capsule is specially prepared as part of a stage 1 and 2 cancer intervention). There are however hundreds of uses of cannabis oil including treatment of cancer,  arthritis, insomnia, depression, anxiety, Crohn’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and many more diseases.  Using cannabis oil suppositories, one can obtain all the benefits of cannabis oil without any hallucinogenic side effects.

Also called Rick Simpson Oil, our medical Cannabis Oil is extracted from medicinal cannabis we grow ourselves. Our extraction process is non-toxic and does not contain any solvent residue.  We supply cannabis oil suppositories to South Africa with overnight delivery to Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban; normal delivery to the rest of S.A.

See here for cannabis oil dosage.

Cannabis Suppositories for Cancer Treatment (Stage 1 & 2)

For those interested in cannabis oil as part of a Cancer treatment, we sell cannabis oil and suppositories as part of a package deal. We suggest quarter-gram suppositories as part of a stage 1 & 2 cancer treatment regiment:

The package deal contains 60 quarter-gram suppositories (pure Cannabis) and one 20ml bottle (3 grams pure Cannabis) with 15 ml of virgin olive oil.

Total cost for the package deal for 2 months: R9 250.

About Cannabis Oil South Africa

Based in Parktown North in Johannesburg, we supply cannabis oil in South Africa with overnight delivery to Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban; normal delivery to the rest of S.A.

The brand of oil we produce is called Phoenix Tears, a full extract cannabis oil (also misspelt as Fenix Tears!).  Our medical Cannabis Oil is extracted from medicinal cannabis we grow ourselves. Our extraction process is non-toxic and does not contain any solvent residue.



Kwartgram Dagga Olie Setpil (Suiwer Dagga) R65.00 elk.

Dagga Olie setpille word vinnig in die bloedstroom en liggaamsweefsel opgeneem en is die beste manier om Dagga-olie te gebruik.

Dagga Olie setpille kan individueel bestel word, of soos hieronder beskryf, as deel van ‘n kankerbehandelingsregime (die kwartgram dagga olie kapsule word spesiaal voorberei as deel van ‘n stadium 1 en 2 kankerintervensie). Daar is egter honderde gebruike van dagga-olie, insluitend behandeling van kanker, artritis, slapeloosheid, depressie, angs, Crohn’s, veelvuldige sklerose, Parkinson’s en vele meer siektes. Deur Dagga Olie setpille te gebruik, kan ‘n mens al die voordele van Dagga Olie verkry sonder enige hallusinogene newe-effekte.

Ook genoem Rick Simpson Oil, ons mediese Dagga Olie word verkry uit medisinale dagga wat ons self kweek. Ons ekstraksieproses is nie-giftig en bevat geen oplosmiddelresidu nie. Ons verskaf Dagga Olie setpille aan Suid-Afrika met oornag aflewering na Johannesburg, Kaapstad, Durban; normale aflewering aan die res van S.A.

Sien hier vir die dosis van Dagga Olie.

Dagga Olie-setpille vir kankerbehandeling (stadium 1 en 2)

Vir diegene wat belangstel in Dagga Olie as deel van ‘n kankerbehandeling, verkoop ons Dagga Olie en setpille as deel van ‘n pakkettransaksie. Ons stel kwartgram setpille voor as deel van ‘n stadium 1 en 2 kankerbehandelingsregiment:

Die pakket bevat 60 kwartgram setpille (suiwer Dagga Olie) en een 20 ml bottel (3 gram suiwer Dagga Olie) met 15 ml suiwer olyfolie.

Totale koste vir die pakkettransaksie vir 2 maande: R9 250.

Oor Cannabis Oil South Africa

Gebaseer in Parktown North in Johannesburg, verskaf ons dagga-olie setpille in Suid-Afrika met oornag aflewering na Johannesburg, Kaapstad en Durban; normale aflewering na die res van Suid-Afrika.

Die handelsmerk olie wat ons produseer, word Phoenix Tears genoem, ‘n volledige uittreksel dagga olie (ook verkeerd gespel as Fenix Tears!). Ons mediese Dagga olie word verkry uit medisinale dagga wat ons self kweek. Ons ekstraksieproses is nie-giftig en bevat geen oplosmiddelresidu nie.

Additional information


Quarter Gram

1 review for Cannabis Oil Suppositories, Quarter-Gram, per Capsule

  1. Kerry Gibson

    I have been using Phoenix Tears from just after they started.
    In that time, I have tried dozens of other cannabis products to compare them and see which ones work the best.
    It is my opinion that Phoenix Tears is by very far, the most comprehensive and effective cannabis product on the market right now. From pain reduction, cancer treatment, sleeping aid or for disease prevention I have not found anything that works as well.
    What I particularly love is that Phoenix Tears is a broad spectrum cannabis product meaning it has all the balanced cannabinoids that are naturally in the plant and that are critical for competed healing and treatment.
    With all the toxic rubbish out there I am comforted by the professional and high quality product that I get from Phoenix Tears.

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