How to make
your own
Dagga Oil

Making Dagga Oil at home is doable with the right tools and supplies.  While we at Cannabis Oil South Africa sell pre-made Phoenix Tears Dagga Oil, we understand the budgetary constraints of the times, and that some of our customers want to make their own oils and extracts.

Here we present in detail how to make dagga oil in a step by step process so that you can make your own medicine, 

a woman in a kitchen next to a rice cooker making her own cannabis oil

What is Dagga Oil?

This dagga oil this recipe produces is also known as Full Extract Cannabis Oil – FECO, Phoenix Tears (misspelt Fenix tears) or just Rick Simpson oil.  Rick Simpson was the first to create oil in this way.  You will be left with a gooey black substance, which is very strong.  Please see our dosage page for how to consume it. 

Dagga Oil contains cannabinoids and terpenes.  These are medicinal when used for conditions varying from cancer, pain, anxiety, insomnia, inflammation and others because these compounds interact with our endocannabinoid system, which is vital to our well-being.  This really is a miracle plant, with miracle compounds.  Cannabinoids contained in oil will include THC, CBD, CBC, CBN and many others.

Dagga Oil Recipe and Instructions:

Please be careful!  We cannot accept any liability, and the process is not without dangers. Please be aware.

The process below will make approximately 50ml of oil depending on the quality of bud used.  The ratio is normally 10 to 1.  You can adjust the recipe below to suit the quantity of dried flowers you’re able to grow.

Ingredients Required:

Please use a well ventilated room with good airflow or work outdoors.
Making oil using this method will take approximately 3 to 4 hours.  You will need to carefully watch the entire process;  do not leave the oil making process unattended.

1.  10 liters of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol

2.   1/2 kg of dried dagga flowers – We use a medicinal hybrid Indica/ Sativa strain that we trust but any bud you can get your hands on, or a strain that you know work well for your condition will be fine.  

3.  20 Liter bucket

4.  Deep bowel

5.  Wooden spoon for stirring

6.  Cheese cloth 

7.   Rice cooker.  The rice cooker is not absolutely essential but it keeps a constant temperature much better than, say, a Crockpot.  If the temperature exceeds 148 degrees Celsius then cannabinoids will be lost and oil will be unusable.

8.  Plastic catheter tip syringe (50 – 60ml)


1.  Put the 1/2 kg of dried dagga buds into the 20 liter bucket.

2.  Cover the plant material in the bucket with isopropyl alcohol.

3.  Stir the mixture in the bucket while crushing everything together for 3 to 5 minutes.  The majority of cannabinoids and terpenes will dissolve into the solvent.

4.  Drain the solvent through the cheese cloth into the large bowel.

5.  Add more solvent to the bucket again and again stir and crush the plant material with the solvent.

6.  Drain the solvent through the cheese cloth into the large bowel again and discard the remaining plant material.

7.   The rice cooker should maintain a steady temperature of between 100 and 110 degrees Celsius.

8.  Once the solvent has evaporated you will be left with Rick Simpson Oil.  Fill the syringe with the thick dark resin left over.

NB:  Do not light a cigarette during this process.  Do not have an open flame anywhere near this process.  During the evaporation phase a lot of flammable gas is evaporating and can ignite.  Some people prefer to do this process outdoors.  Some people will have a fan available to blow away the evaporated solvent.  And some people have had their kitchens explode.  Please be very, very careful.

Danger:  Risk of Explosion.


Dagga oil can be stored in the freezer.  It’s best to store it in a dark place because the canabinoid THC degrades into CBN with exposure to sunlight.  CBN will make you sleepy!

About Cannabis Oil South Africa

Cannabis Oil is also known as THC Oil, Hemp Oil, Dagga Oil, Weed Oil, Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil (Feco), Hash Oil, Phoenix Tears Oil, commonly misspelt as Fenix Tears.  Cannabis Oil South Africa supplies Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil, a full extract cannabis oil.  Based in Parktown North, Johannesburg, we sell cannabis oil with delivery to the whole of South Africa, including Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.  Click here for our shop.

