Phoenix Tears S.A.

Cannabis Oil South Africa

Suppliers of Authentic Medicinal Cannabis Oil

“The Healing Power of Life”

Overnight Delivery of Cannabis Oil to Johannesburg – Cape Town – Durban and Nationwide

About Our Medical Cannabis Oil Range

Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil is a locally produced (in South Africa), full extract cannabis oil.  First extracted for medical purposes by Rick Simpson (also known as RSO or Rick Simpson Oil), it’s known to have powerful healing properties.

Cannabis and related information. Some videos below you may find interesting. 

Some Cannabis & related info videos below you may find interesting. 

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Cannabis oil is known to be hugely beneficial for the following conditions:

It is well established that THC, CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoids have anti-cancer properties.

Treating chronic pain was one of the first uses of cannabis going back thousands of years.

Cannabis is effective at preventing and treating COVID-19. Cannabinoids were found to be effective against the virus.

Using cannabis oil for anxiety brings relief without side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

Do you suffer from a lack of sleep? You’re not alone! Cannabis oil can help you sleep.

For more information on how cannabis oil can help with your condition,

please contact us:


I was injured on the Mozambique border during my army training in 1968… Since taking Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil I am now able to sleep 5 hours a night and I have minimal pain.” – Ken Phillips

Phoenix Tears oil calms my anxiety and helps manage the pain I have in my hands and joints caused by Osteo-Arthritis…”

“I suffer from occasional insomnia and have found that at these times a couple of drops of Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil works wonders…”

These are only some of our customers’ testimonials who use Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil to treat their medical conditions.

Are you looking for cannabis oil to treat a specific condition?  Cannabis oil can treat many health problems including Cancer, Pain, ADD and ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Crohn’s, Asthma, Infections, Inflammation, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, and more. If you have a condition you’d like to use cannabis oil to treat, please see the medical resources available in the menu – we’ve put together a lot of videos and information to help you get the relief you’re looking for.

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Proven Cannabis Oil Health Benefits​

Read here for positive feedback on our cannabis oil products from our customers in South Africa, and abroad.

Cannabis oil (dagga oil, THC Oil, Rick Simpson Oil – RSO – or Weed Oil) has multiple benefits to your health associated with it – Searching for cannabis oil and your ailment will bring up many results confirming the health benefits of this wonder plant, and the cannabis oil extracted from it. 

Our extraction process is safe – we use propanol alcohol, not benzene, to extract the cannabis oil, producing a product that is totally non-toxic.

Get our Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and the rest of South Africa with overnight shipping.

health benefits of cannabis oil

Why Phoenix Tears South Africa?

Variety & Seeds

We produce our cannabis oil in South Africa using a 40% Indica and 60% Sativa cannabis hybrid strains, seeds imported from the Netherlands. Research has shown this strain to be one of the best medicinal cannabis hybrids available.


We have a highly qualified team with years of experience in growing Cannabis and extracting Cannabis Oil in Johannesburg. Our company has been in operation in South Africa for seven years and grows cannabis without use of pesticides.

Extraction Process

Cannabis Oil South Africa's extraction process uses propanol alcohol, not benzene, and therefore is a totally organic, non-toxic, health remedy. As a result of its properties, cannabis oil in South Africa is now legal, as well as in many other countries .

Cannabis Oil South Africa: What Our Customers Say​


Doctors and Cannabis Oil in South Africa​

Recently, the media reported that the government has given the green light for the manufacture for sale of cannabis oil in South Africa for medicinal use. Today we are able to discuss the use of medicinal cannabis oil in South Africa by South Africa’s medical profession for the treatment of diseases and the relief of pain and suffering for millions of our people. This is HISTORY IN THE MAKING. Many Doctors and Health Care Practitioners use and recommend our THC & CBD Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil in South Africa, as well as internationally.

Did you know?

The human body produces Cannabinoids in small quantities naturally through the Endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a master regulator that plays a critical role in regulating our everyday psychological experiences and moods. As the human body does not produce enough of its own Cannabinoids, taking Cannabis Oil stimulates the ECS system which leads to a vast range of health benefits.

Our Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil products are carefully extracted from medicinal cannabis strains to give your body all that it needs for healing.  

Is CBD Oil the Same as Full Extract Cannabis Oil (THC Oil)?

Well, to make a long story short… no — CBD oil is not the same as THC oil, or full extract cannabis oil!

What are Endocannabinoids?

Cannabis plants contain more than 120 different phytocannabinoids. Cannabinoids act on your endocannabinoid system, which works to keep your body in homeostasis, or in balance. Humans and all vertebrates like dogs, cats, fish, and birds, produce endocannabinoids.  They are neurotransmitters that bind to receptors and affect pain, mood, appetite, sleep, and a many other functions.

The best researched cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These cannabinoids can be taken together or separately.

The Entourage Effect, Taking THC and CBD Together

Using THC and CBD together produces a better result than taking them alone. Research in the British Journal of Pharmacology suggests that taking these cannabinoids together with terpenes or terpenoids (terpenes are small organic compounds in the cannabis plant) is more effective than taking them alone. The interaction between cannabinoids and terpenes is called “the entourage effect“.  (Terpenes are oils that give the cannabis plant its distinctive smell).

Why Full Extract Cannabis Oil?

Our Phoenix Tears full-extract cannabis oil, dagga oil, also called THC oil (commonly misspelt as Fenix Tears), supplies all the goodness of the cannabis plant including CBD, THC, and terpenes. Everything from the cannabis plant is extracted, so we have an oil which has everything inside of it, instead having a cannabis oil consisting of only one cannabinoid such as in CBD oil. Cannabinoids are best when they work in combination, or in entourage. This produces a much better result than CBD alone can produce.

For medical patients using cannabis oil in South Africa for complaints such as cancer, pain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety, taking advantage of the entourage effect is the cannabis oil option that’s quickly becoming the most popular.  

Having cannabis receptors in our DNA means 4 things:​

Our body recognizes it, uses it, needs it and our health is better when we get it – otherwise those receptors would not be there.
Raw Cannabis is a one of the most POWERFUL NUTRIENTS and HEALERS on the face of this planet!  And YOU were not supposed to find that out.
WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO – The demonization of Cannabis correlates with the early promotion of pharmaceutical industries where wealthy investors in drug companies needed legislation to discourage competition from inexpensive natural therapies.

~Dr William Courtney – Cancer Therapies

Rod of Asclepius Cannabis Oil