Cannabis Oil for Pain Relief

Shaping Fire Episode 60 – Transitioning from Opioids to Cannabis for Pain Relief with Guest Adie Rae PhD

Shaping Fire with Shango Los

Episode 60 – Transitioning from Opioids to Cannabis for Pain Relief with guest Adie Rae PhD

One of the most common reasons people become interested in cannabis is for pain relief. On this episode of Shaping Fire, host Shango Los talks with Adie Rae, PhD about the physiological underpinnings of pain, how cannabis oil offers pain relief by interacting with several body systems, and how patients can transition from highly addictive opioid pain relievers to using cannabis instead.

Cannabis Oil South Africa

Wanting to buy cannabis oil in South Africa? We ship country-wide. Click here for our shop.

About Cannabis Oil South Africa

Cannabis Oil South Africa supplies Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil, and Phoenix Tears Cannabis Suppositories, a full extract cannabis oil.  Based in Parktown North, Johannesburg, we sell cannabis oil with delivery to the whole of South Africa, including Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.  Click here for our shop.

Cannabis Oil is also known as THC Oil, Hemp Oil, Dagga Oil, Weed Oil, Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil (Feco), Hash Oil, Phoenix Tears Oil, commonly misspelt as Fenix Tears.
