Cannabis Oil and Cancer South Africa
“The anti-cancer properties of THC, CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoids are well established. Scientists have been investigating these cannabinoids for their anti-cancer effects since the early 1970s, with more than 2000 studies having been published.” – Peter Reynolds, Cannabis Clear Law Reform
We’ve put some together truly remarkable information for you about treating cancer with cannabis oil in South Africa (dagga oil). This is not medical advice. However, the number of people reporting success in treating various kinds of cancer with cannabis oil is incredible, and it must be made public for anyone who has the time to investigate it for themselves.
See information below about treating Cancer with Cannabis oil in South Africa.
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A large body of scientific evidence exists about how cannabis oil cures cancer, as well as even more anecdotal evidence. Cannabis Oil South Africa is dedicated to collecting the evidence about the curative power of cannabis oil for cancer and other diseases. These are recommended clips to help inform you about cancer-related therapies and the use of cannabis oil in fighting cancer. Cancer can be beaten. Why has cannabis oil been hidden from the mainstream about its use in fighting cancer?
Watch videos below for information about cannabis and cancer
Dr Peter Glidden/Chemotherapy: 2 minutes 19 seconds
David Triplett/Skin Cancer Cure: 12 minutes 24 seconds
The Forbidden Cures:
Cannabis has been used for millennia for healing purposes.
Big Pharma has corrupted the system because cannabis cannot be patented, as it is natural product.
The video will enlighten the viewer on how the system has corrupted the health industry. It’s 01:13 long, and should be watched in order to understand what has transpired over the last 70 years.
This is a MUST WATCH video clip.
The Forbidden Cures: 1 Hour 13 Minutes
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?: 49 minutes
The Cure for Cancer was Found 40 Years Ago: 2 minutes 19 Seconds
Dr Burzynski’s Outlwed Cancer Treatment
There’s no doubt that science is one of the most useful things modern society has created, but it’s also sometimes the most damaging – especially when closed-mindedness and dogmatism creep into it’s thinking. This is the case with Dr. Burzynski’s cancer treatment which has showed incredible results in cancer patients.
So much of the evidence he has presented is simply disregarded – evidence which clearly shows that cancer is completely eradicated from people’s bodies. While harm to people’s bodies has been done by traditional chemo-therapy, Dr. Burzynski’s therapy is proven to do absolutely no harm.
Many cancer patients have gone into full remission on Dr. Burzynski’s therapy. If Science won’t listen, it’s up to the public to spread outrage and apply pressure to have every possible cancer therapy investigated.
Testimonials from Cured Patients
Joy Smith – Cannabis Oil Cured Her Cancer
…was diagnosed in July 2016 with ovarian cancer. In August 2017 she was given six weeks to live after it was discovered that the cancer had spread to her stomach and bowel. But now she’s in remission and says cannabis oil cured her cancer. Research Consultant Matthew Atha explains why the research into cannabis oil and cancer has been so limited. Broadcast on 13/03/2018
Joy Smith – Cannabis is Curing my Cancer: 7 minutes
How Cannabinoids Cause Cancer Cells to Die: 8 minutes
Dennis Hill – Aggressive Prostate Cancer and Cannabis Oil
“Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy, I was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma. I didn’t know what to do. The urologist made appointments for me to start radiation, and maybe chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer…”
Mike Cutler – Cannabis Oil and Liver Cancer
Mike Cutler’s Medical Cannabis Testimony: 3 minutes 28
More Testimony from Mike Cutler: 5 minutes 54 seconds
Casey Cole: 7 minutes 50 seconds
Casey Cole – Testimony from an American Marine
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Cover-Up Of Promising Cancer Treatment | Cancer Research | Documentary: 1 hour 16 minutes
Controversies Surrounding Amygdalin (Leotroll) as a Cancer Treatment
Leotroll, derived from apricot pits, has been banned in the US since 1963, but is legal in Mexico. People seek it for cancer treatment.
#1 Cancer Expert: The WORST Food That Feeds Cancer Cells: 15 minutes
Cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease; it’s not genetic.
Prevent cancer by avoiding these worst foods that feed cancer cells.
The HIDDEN CURE For Cancer: What Big Pharma DOESN’T WANT You To Know About Apricot Seeds: 35 minutes
Apricot Seeds and Cancer: Understanding the Claims and Evidence
Apricot seeds, also known as lateral amygdalin or vitamin B17, have been touted as a potential cure for cancer.
Testimonials from Doctors about Cannabis Oil Curing Cancer
Science Explains how Cannabis Kills Cancer: 5 minutes 21 seconds
Science Explains How Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells | CBD-Healthcare News
A molecular biologist, Dr Christina Sanchez, at the Compultense University in Madrid (Spain) spells out the exact mechanism at work, wherein the THC – “the main psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant” – completely destroys the cancer cells.
The Action of Cannabinoids: 1 minute 20 seconds
Cannabis Oil and Rick Simpson
Rick Simpson: The Legalisation and the Health Effects of Cannabis: 8 minutes
Using Cannabis Oil for an Inoperable Type of Cancer
Dr. William Courtney speaks about his youngest patient – cured 0f cancer with cannabis oil. Saying he was “quite a skeptic 5 or 6 years ago”, Dr. Courtney says “my youngest patient is 8 months old, and had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor.” The child’s father asked for non-traditional treatment utilizing cannabis. “They were putting cannabis oil on the baby’s pacifier twice a day, increasing the dose… And within two months there was such a dramatic reduction that the pediatric oncologist allowed them to go ahead with not pursuing traditional therapy.”
A History of Cancer and Cannabis Oil in South Africa
Oriani Ambrosini Pleads for Parliament to Recognise Cannabis (Oil) as a Treatment for Cancer in South Africa
Mario Gaspare R. Oriani-Ambrosini (26 October 1960 – 16 August 2014) was an Italian constitutional lawyer and politician who was a Member of Parliament in South Africa.
On 19 February 2014, Oriani-Ambrosini stood up in the SA National Assembly and introduced a private members bill to decriminalise the medical use of cannabis. The Medical Innovation Bill, is “to make provision for innovation in medical treatment and to legalise the use of cannibanoids for medical purpose and beneficial commercial industrial uses”.
Ambrosioni acknowledges his use of alternative therapies such as cannabis oil for cancer in South Africa.
As a consequence of the Bill and Committee deliberations, the South African Department of Health amended the scheduling status of registered cannabis products for medicinal use and this was gazetted on 17 November 2017.
On the 5 November 2017, the South African Medicines Control Council published licence application forms on its website to cultivate, manufacture or import cannabis for medical and research purposes.
Mario Ambrosini Pleads with the South African Parliament to Legalise Cannabis for Medical Purposes: 5 minutes 44 seconds
Mandy Hazard: 1 hour 55 minutes
Mandy Hazard
Mandy is originally from Johannesburg in South Africa, Cannabis oil was used to treat her pancreatic cancer.
After receiving the best treatment available at hospitals in Germany, Mandy decided to try cannabis oil for cancer, with incredible results.
Scientific Studies on Using Cannabis for Cancer
Studies And Clinical Trials
The anti-cancer properties of THC, CBD, CBG and other cannabinoids are well established. Scientists have been investigating them since the early 1970s.
More than 2000 papers on cannabinoids and cancer (click the link to see) have been published.
It is well established that cannabis helps with the side effects of cancer treatments, particularly pain, nausea, anxiety, and distress. (here, here, here). Cannabis oil may also help alleviate anxiety, depression, insomnia and mood disorders in cancer patients.
Cannabinoids and cancer: potential for colorectal cancer therapy. Biochem Soc Trans 2005
A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme, British Journal of Cancer, 2006
Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise. Cancer Res. 2008
Cannabidiol Induces Programmed Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells by Coordinating the Cross-talk between Apoptosis and Autophagy. Mol Cancer Ther., 2011
The intersection between cannabis and cancer in the United States. CROH, 2011
Cannabinoids: a new hope for breast cancer therapy? Cancer Treat Rev. 2012
Towards the use of cannabinoids as antitumour agents. Nat Rev Cancer. 2012
Cannabis Extract Treatment for Terminal Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with a
Philadelphia Chromosome Mutation. Case Rep Oncol. 2013
Non-hallucinogenic cannabinoids are effective anti-cancer drugs. Anticancer Research, 2013
Cannabidiol as potential anticancer drug. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013
Cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer – the evidence so far. Cancer Research UK, 2014
The Combination of Cannabidiol and Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Enhances the Anticancer Effects of Radiation in an Orthotopic Murine Glioma Model. Mol.Cancer.Ther. 2014
About Cannabis Oil South Africa
Cannabis Oil South Africa supplies Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil. Based in Johannesburg, we sell cannabis oil with delivery to the whole of South Africa, including Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. Click here for our shop.
Cannabis Oil is a full extract oil, Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil (Feco), also known as Hemp Oil, Dagga Oil, THC Oil, Weed Oil, Hash Oil, Phoenix Tears Oil, and is very commonly misspelt as Fenix Tears.
Biochemist Dennis Hill discusses how cannabis oil kills cancer cells
You are listening to the most original talk radio station anywhere. We are LA Talk Radio.
You’re listening to cannabis nation with your host Mike Bruton right here on LA Talk Radio.
Along with the other hosts of the show, Julie Rose, welcome Cannabis Nation.
Introducing Dennis Hill, Biochemist, Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.
And welcome to Cannabis Nation. It’s time for an honest conversation about marijuana. And it is with great pleasure to have on the show tonight, Dennis Hill. Dennis is a biochemist who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and chose to treat himself with cannabis oil. I’ve been communicating with Dennis on and off over the last year and I initially reached out to contact him because he was the first story I had personally heard of that included no traditional treatment. And, on top of it, he’s a biochemist, so I thought he’s gonna have a good explanation for this choice of treatment. We often hear of cancer patients who use cannabis, or cannabis oil in conjunction with standard cancer treatments, or after standard treatment fails or as a supplemental treatment, which is often the case for many cancer patients who smoke marijuana to relieve symptoms of chemo such as the nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and sleep for pain or as a mood enhancer. But in the case of Dennis he used only cannabis oil to actually treat his prostate cancer, not just the symptoms. Before we talk to Dennis, I want to remind people to like us on Facebook at Cannabis Nation Radio so you can send questions to Dennis during the show, or just posting them on your wall and it will help us gain popularity to his story, which we feel is really important to get out there. Also, be sure to share the link to our website with your family and friends as we just uploaded documents written by Dennis that explains how cannabis works from a scientific perspective. You’ll find the link at the bottom of the homepage at we really want the show to answer as many questions and to help as many people understand from a scientific perspective how cannabis works. Also, I’d like to sort out the vocabulary a little bit before we get started because there’s likely some confusion especially for new patients.
Rick Simpson Oil, Cannabis Oil or Marijuana Oil
And especially when you’re talking about marijuana concentrates. Rick Simpson who many cannabis patients are familiar with is a man from Canada who is famous for his story of using what he refers to as hemp oil. And many are now calling Rick Simpson Oil, which is actually cannabis oil or marijuana oil, and all of them are marijuana concentrates, just different names for the same thing. And maybe, Mike, you can kind of explain the differences.
Hemp Oil is Cannabis Oil
Right, sure. And you know, even though Simpson refers to his oil as Hemp Oil, what he uses is is not what we in the states referred to as hemp. Hemp is a cousin to the psychoactive marijuana but it doesn’t have the same euphoric or medicinal effect. Hemp is the the strain of marijuana that we can get food, fiber, oil, and use for industrial purposes. So in the US, we only refer to hemp as the plant that does not provide the same feeling or medicinal effects. And so when you hear Rick Simpson referring to his oil as hemp oil, it is what we refer to in the US as cannabis oil or marijuana oil among other things. It’s the cannabis concentrate, marijuana concentrate is basically what it is. So, the cannabis oil is a condensed and concentrated extract of the plant of the flower. And it’s it actually is so concentrated that it takes a pound to a pound and a half of the top quality marijuana flowers and buds to make enough of this oil to fill a tube about the size of a small Sharpie marker. So, we’re talking super concentrated. So now that we know what we’re talking about, let’s bring Dennis into the conversation and he’s going to explain so much more to us. Welcome to Cannabis Nation Radio, Dennis.
Thank you very much. It’s great to be here. I’ve been hoping to have this audience for a long time.
A Bit About Dennis Hill
So okay, so first off, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where you went to school, your professional background, your work history, because it’s significant, I believe.
Okay. I was born and raised in Texas, down in Houston, and went to school at, took my undergraduate at, Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, and finished up my degree in biochemistry, at the University of Houston, and took my graduate work down there,
I worked in cancer research for 10 years at the MD Anderson Hospital, which is probably the most famous cancer hospital in the world. So that was a very rich experience. And I got to put my biochemistry to work in that field. So that was my early life of school and work. And, I went back to school to biomedical school to take advanced work in medical physiology, which was really helpful to my work at MD Anderson. And then, after 10 years of research, I went back to school, again, to get my MBA, worked in hospital administration and clinic management, and research management. So I’ve been in the field for a very long time.
Wow, that’s impressive. And, you know why I find that significant is because when you start talking about this using marijuana as medicine, we don’t fit the medical template very well, because of the lack of regulation and because of prohibition. And so, when people hear about or generally see something about it, it tends to look like the counterculture, you know, brewing something up at home. And that’s totally not what we’re talking about here at all.
That’s correct. It’s fine for the folks who enjoy those kinds of entertainments, but medical cannabis is a completely different domain. And everything is different here.
Right. And so, what can you tell us about prostate cancer? Is it true that the standard treatment only has a 3% success rate? Can that be? Are there different types of it?
Cancer is Aggressive or Benign, Graded by Gleason Scores
Okay, I can talk a little bit about that. In terms of types of cancer, there’s, as far as I know, not really any varieties or strains. But it does differentiate about its aggressiveness. Some prostate cancer is fairly benign. And a person can have prostate cancer or benign prostate cancer, and never know it. And go through your life and have no clue. But then there are the more aggressive forms of the adnoma, or adenocarcinoma is as it’s called. And we grade this with Gleason scores. So, low grade Gleason scores about one and two means that it’s not very aggressive. But when you get into scores up around seven and eight, eight is the highest, is the most aggressive. So, that’s what differentiates prostate cancer more than anything, it’s is aggressiveness. Now, when you get hold of an aggressive prostate cancer, it’s fairly likely that it won’t metastasize, at first, locally, and then more generally. So that’s what we can expect with cancer. And of course, we don’t know ahead of time, what kind of prostate cancer that we’re dealing with, requires a good deal of diagnostics to get that figured out and then to know what treatment is appropriate.
Finding Cannabis Oil
And so, how did you stumbled on, or maybe that’s not even the right way to say it… How did you come to find out that cannabis oil would be a potential treatment, and as a biochemist along the way, what did you learn anything about cannabis while you were in college working in the medical field? Do people talk about it?
Okay, you have three questions there. So, let me start at the last question first about while I was in school or working in research, did I know anything about cancer treating, I mean, cannabis can’t treating cancer, and there was no information about that at all. This was back in the 60s and 70s. And so marijuana back then was pretty weak and And was used as entertainment or, you know, casual use, but I never saw or heard of anyone using it, medicinally. So, and those in those decades of the 60s and 70s, when it became popular, it was recreational. And it wasn’t till recently that we began to see its medical uses.
So I guess my first question out of the three was, what was the trigger that put you on to cannabis as a treatment for prostate cancer?
Well, you said it right. It was stumbling, I totally stumbled into this. And I had been to the doctor to evaluate a prostate condition. I didn’t think it was cancer. I thought it was probably hyperplasia, which is a common prostate disorder. But it’s not malignant. So I went to have a procedure to relieve some of the pressure on this inflammation, and the urologist told me that he wouldn’t treat me, he wouldn’t do anything, he wouldn’t even see me until I had a biopsy. And I thought, now, that’s pretty hard-nosed. But if this is what the deal is, then I’ll just go ahead and get a biopsy. And when the results of the biopsy came back, showing Gleason scores, seven and eight, a fully involved that no carcinoma with the prostate. And I learned later that it had metastasized to the bladder, and other tissues. So, my first information about it was really harsh. I was not expecting it.
Right. Well, that score is like pretty scary, right there.
That’s that’s pretty much, yes.
So when you found out about the oil, then how did you obtain it? Did you make it yourself? Help us understand.
What actually made you even choose that oil in the first place? Like, how did you stumble on it?
Okay. Once I had my biopsy and diagnosis, the urologist just started setting me up with radiation and chemotherapy, and surgery, doctor visits to deal with this, because this is severe, this is extreme, I really didn’t have that long to live. And, so, I got all my appointments and went to the radiologist and got set up for a series of radiation treatments, and got shaved and marked and appointments made.
Researching Cannabis Oil for Cancer
And I was talking to a close friend of mine, and I was complaining to her about having prostate cancer and maybe it being terminal. And she says, have you heard that cannabis cures cancer? And I said, Are you serious? What are you talking about? And she says, you know, research it. So well how do you know? And she says, well, my nephew was just here in San Francisco at a cannabis conference, a medical cannabis conference. And he told me all about it. And so I said, are you sure about this? Cannabis cures cancer? And she says, will you look it up. So, I went out to the Internet, and started Googling around and searching for things and I found Rick Simpson’s video about the cure. And I watched that. And I thought, okay, I’m convinced. I believe this now. I think that it would work. And so, went back to my doctor, and asked his permission to wait a while before starting the radiation because I wanted to pursue an alternative therapy. And so he agreed. And he says, I will help you as much as I can, while you’re doing this alternative treatment, so that was good. And so I began to search around for for cannabis oil, and I couldn’t find any. And the dispensaries in the Bay Area had hemp oil, hemp seed oil. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted this Rick Simpson oil, and I just couldn’t find it here. Nobody was making it. And so a friend of mine said that she would make me some cannabis butter. And everything that I had read suggested that cannabis butter was weak, and that it wasn’t nearly as good as the oil. When I couldn’t get oil, because I didn’t know where to get it, And so I began the treatment with cannabis butter, where cannabis is dissolved into butter because it’s fat soluble and in the body it tends to migrate to fatty tissues.
Its how it stays in the system for so long, incidentally.
Yeah. So I used this cannabis butter day and night for three months. And then went back for another prostate exam and learned that that I still had tenderness and still had metastatic lesions after three months. And so I decided to go three more months. And I found the oil.
Cannabis Butter Worked, But Cannabis Oil Cured the Cancer Faster
Someone finally came up with it. So I purchased it four three more months and used the oil to eradicate the rest of the cancer, the metastatic lesions. And after six months, the oil and the cannabis butter, I had another prostate procedure to examine the tissue, a biopsy, and the biopsy showed that all signs of cancer has completely gone.
That’s awesome, wow.
There was no sign of it anywhere in my body, I had bone scans, all kinds of procedures, everybody looking for cancer because they couldn’t believe it after seeing the first biopsy of scores really high, in the aggressive category. Nobody could believe that the cancer was gone.
But they’re taught to believe that. They’re just not taught to believe that that way.
That’s true. And I didn’t believe it. And nobody else I knew believes it.
And so that’s why I don’t understand to this day. And I don’t mean to interrupt you. But this is so important. Because, you’re a biochemist, you’re a doctor, you’re a guy that has all this experience, you’ve cured yourself from a cancer, you just told us how. And yet you know what you said that girl told you that cannabis cures cancer, you could get like thrown in jail for saying that. The FDA has rules about what you can say, right? You know that. And if you went around proclaiming that you could cure cancer, they’d be after you in a second. And I don’t get why. You know, I’ve been having like running little battles with people because the only way to stop the madness is to educate people and get them to see that marijuana is not about hippies and low-lives. It’s not, and in your bias and in your in your rush to try to make sure that you grind those people up as small as you can into the system, people are dying. And it’s not right. Sorry, I’m going to stop because, I can’t imagine why people can’t see how important this is. And so, Julie, maybe you have a question or two for Dennis. Yeah, when you said that you were taking the butter first, did you… So the butter worked also, prior to actually taking the oil, you got you had some results in the butter? Some results. I imagine. I had great results it completely destroyed the primary tumor. It did, just the butter?
Just from the butter.
And so knowing what I know now, I was thinking, man, I was so totally ignorant and stupid back then. But I did the right thing. Yeah, right I had no idea.
Well what did you have to lose, you had a 97% chance of dying. Right? if this information is true that regular treatment is only 3% successful?
Well, the thing that I bring to the table here is that even cannabis butter kills cancer. Now I know that the Rick Simpson Oil is the treatment of choice for cancer, I believe that 100%. However, if you can’t get the oil, then you shouldn’t despair. Any cannabis at all, is going to kill cancer. And I explained this in my paper cannabinoids and cancer, exactly how this works, which is posted on your website.
Yeah, there’s a link on the bottom of the website to some of the papers that Dennis put together that explains, from a scientific standpoint, more of how it works. So, after it worked for you, that’s how you started, like, digging into the science of it. Yeah, I continued to research it, because this is all very mysterious to me. And I was so surprised by everything around every corner, that I wanted to truly understand this, from the very basics. And with my background in biochemistry, I was able to read the technical literature, all of the medical, and research articles, all the peer reviewed research, and all the foreign research. And so, often just a huge amount of time trying to really understand how this works biologically. And these two papers that I have posted, here are the details, scientific details, of the way that this works.
You know, I didn’t mean to nail down on everybody there. But you know, I’m like the bad cop and the good cop. And you know, I have a lot of passion about this, because I risk my safety, I risk my freedom to try to help people.
And what I get in return is people saying that I’m just in it to make money, that I’m committing felonies, that I’m ruining their county, that any number of things that they want to say. And it’s all the kind of bias and ignorance that you would freely admit to that you had before you knew what the truth was? Is that fair to say, Dennis?
Cannabis Oil and Health is a Human Rights Issue
Absolutely. I was stupid and ignorant like everybody else.
And so it just breaks my heart. Because, at the heart of it, for me, it’s a human right’s issue. It’s a civil rights issue, this prohibition of marijuana. People don’t know, the reasons why it ought to be either criminalized or not criminalized, and the reasons for it to not be criminalized are so much better. And so that’s why this stuff is so important. What did your friends and family have to say about this, your work colleagues?
Well, I told some, and I didn’t tell others. And the ones that I told are happy for me. And the ones that I didn’t tell, I just told him, it’s a miracle. And they accepted that. So.
That’s amazing. And you weren’t like a user of marijuana before this happened to you, were you?
I have to admit that when I was a teenager, I did inhale.
I mean, a lot of people can say that. You understand what I’m talking about. There came a point in your time where you just kind of said, you know, I’m about this now and never looked back at marijuana.
Marijuana, Gateway to Meditation
No, I’ll tell you, I, did smoke a little weed in the 60s and 70s. And for me, it was a really a meditative experience to get high. I really liked it. And so, because it was so meditative, and I was really interested in meditation at the time. And so, I quit smoking marijuana, just so that I could have a peaceful meditation. So, it was marijuana that led me to 30 years of meditation practice.
Right on.
So I had not smoked any or had any grass in a very long time.
Well what I was trying to get out and within a very uninformed, poor way of just trying to point out that, you know, it’s not like you are like a stoner guy?
No, I’m not at all a stoner. But I did have the experience. And I’m glad that I did. I’m glad that I did. I tried it before. And that made coming back to it a lot easier because I had the memory of what it was like, and that it wasn’t dangerous, it was not going to hurt me. And then I could tolerate this effect that happens with the THC. So this really helped the cure a lot, was my previous familiarity with it.
Did you work the whole time that you were on that you were taking the oil?
Working While Taking Cannabis Oil
You know what, I’m working two jobs. I never missed a minute of work in the six months that I was in treatment, not a minute?
Well, because you weren’t under the influence of cannabis. It wasn’t like that either. Right?
What Dosage of Cannabis Oil is Right?
Well, here’s the thing. I would take a large dose of the oil at night and sleep through it, and then a small dose during the day, and I wouldn’t feel anything because I was already accustomed to it. So I could drive safely. I could work. I could do anything, live my life normally the way that I do. And so I found that taking the larger dose at night, the more therapeutic dose really did the, what you might call, the hard work of curing cancer, of killing all the cancer cells, then, a small dose during the day. Continue to keep the pressure of the cannabis on the cancer so that it couldn’t recover.
Right. Sorry, go ahead. I didn’t mean to interrupt you.
I was just gonna say that the daytime dose is really, really important.
Yeah, and one other important thing that you said, and it’s sort of an ancillary thing, but it’s important, is that, you were able to function perfectly. But I’ll bet if you were to take a drug test, you would have so many metabolites in your system that they would like, people would be going, oh, my word. And yet, they want to make some laws that say, a very small little amount is an automatic DUI. I think that’s terribly uninformed, unscientific and unfair to people who are trying to save their lives, don’t you?
Driving under the influence of Cannabis
I agree. And I think one of the sticking points and one of the things that we have to get figured out is, how are we going to deal with being high in traffic. We got to figure out a way to handle that. Because cannabis will never be legal until we know what to do about enforcement.
Well, I think we already do though, because I think that, you know what, I’ve been trying to stress to people, and I don’t want to get off on this, but, I think that when people think that the roadside tests are designed to detect the substance, they’re not. They’re designed to see whether or not you can demonstrate the motor skills necessary for the task of driving. And here are those and find out whether or not you can drive or not without even knowing what substance it is that you’re impaired by. And so I think we already have that figured out but everybody’s so afraid because they do not understand the difference between somebody who is, who’s body has become accustomed to an amount of cannabis. And it starts putting it to work in a useful way, is not the same as some radio shock jock or TV personality. who’s never used it, who takes a dose, you know, for some, you know, straw man experiment or whatever, and they go oh, my word. Look at me run over cones. I can’t drive. As that is just so not even scientific, it’s not even funny. Yeah, we got to get this figured out. Yeah, so there’s probably a way to do it. But uh, I don’t know. I mean, we got to figure out a way to do it.
And I’ll tell you what it is. If we depend upon the officer’s observation to determine intoxication, then that should stand. However, a blood test is not going to give us the right information. Cannabis, is that fat-soluble and will build up in the tissues. That is not true of alcohol. You can’t compare the two. So there should never be a blood test for concentration to determine intoxication. It should only be by the officers judgment.
Exactly. I agree. I think that most. There’s the answer. Yeah, I think we already have the mechanism for it. We do. Okay. We do. Yeah.
Yeah, just keep it simple. Keep it simple. I love that.
We already know what works. So, yeah. Anyway. So back to back to the training itself. You know, tell us how that that worked out. I mean, you it was 1, say, 2 was enough to accomplish the mission?
Back to Dosage
Yeah, that was fine. And, of course, we start real small. Rick Simpson says start with a drop, or a fraction of a drop. And that’s exactly what I did. I followed his instructions exactly. And so I would say for anyone who would like to use the Rick Simpson methods of curing cancer, that I would say follow his instructions exactly.
Yeah, yeah, I think that I really have seen enough evidence myself and seen and heard and seen that this is really a crime against humanity, in my opinion, that we’ve taken this hardline stance against marijuana in our country on lies, and made up stuff, and that good people buy into it. I don’t get it. I just don’t, and, and I guess I’m willing to take the brunt of society’s derision for trying to be a humanist.
And I think I understand why that happens. Our conditioning is very, very strong, negative conditioning, about this drug. And all our perception is colored or flavored by our conditioning. And so naturally, most people who have been content, conditioned, to a negative point of view about this is going to see this until they change their conditioning. And the only way to do that is to show absolute proof. Now what you’re doing right now, by having me on the air, since I have cured cancer, absolutely, with no medical treatment at all, using only cannabis, this is the information that needs to get out. The literature now doesn’t even say that, because there hasn’t been enough cases. Now, my case is good because it’s uncontaminated by medical treatment, or by anything else. And I followed the procedure exactly, according to the literature that’s available right now to anybody. And it is completely cured.
That’s one thing I was gonna ask you about is, when you started the treatment, were you familiar with the endocannabinoid system?
Not at all. I’d never heard of it. When? At what point were you familiar with it? Or was it something they were just discovering, or when did that come into the picture?
Researching the Endocannabinoid System
During the time that I was taking the butter in the first three months of my treatment, I was doing a lot of research. And this is natural to me, because, you know, this is what my life is about, is research. So I know how to do this. And so, I learned about the endocannabinoid system. And, it was just amazing, because I’d never heard of it before and didn’t know anything about it.
Because it was only discovered that long ago, right?
Well, let me talk just a little bit about this. The endocannabinoid system, or the ECS, started revealing itself to researchers in the 1940s. By the late 60s, a basic structure and functionality had been laid out like, by the 60s, they know about it. Today we know that the endocannabinoid system is a comprehensive system about chemical modulators that maintain homeostasis in all body systems, including the central and peripheral nervous systems, all organ systems, all somatic tissues, and all metabolic biochemical systems, including the immune system. This homeostatic matrix is not a recent evolutionary twist just for humans. We find the endocannabinoid system in every chordate creature for the last 500 million years. It is a fully mature biochemical technology that has maintained health and metabolic balance for most of the history of life itself. So the endocannabinoid system is just amazing. And a small part of it is the immune system. It all works together.
It’s just there’s no money in using a plant that anybody can grow anywhere on the planet people can live to cure cancer is there?
I’ll follow the money. And you’ll see why it is the way that it is.
People want to call me a criminal, you know, it makes me sick. And so, you know, I wanted to add something else here a little while ago, but you got onto a more important topic, but could have thought any treatment you wanted. is that correct? Is that true? That’s true. You could’ve went to the expert of all experts and got the A plus congressional type healthcare and, and skipped it. And that’s true. And here’s, a your suggestion now would be to anybody that finds themselves in your position would be to find somebody that can help them with Rick Simpson Oil or cannabis oil,
Cannabis is the Only Cure for Cancer that I Know
If they want to be cured of cancer, Cannabis, is the only cure that I know.
Now I know you’re not just talking prostate cancer, you believe that it works in all types of cancer?
Okay, that’s a good question. Look at all the different kinds of cancer. But we don’t understand why cannabis kills every kind of cancer until we see how it works. Primarily., it’s when the endocannabinoids meet the receptors, it causes the cancer cells to produce ceramide that kills the cancer cell. There’s nothing else that does this. And normal cells are unaffected, because a normal cell doesn’t manufacture ceramide, when the endocannabinoid is available.
So, what we see is… So, in other words, if you’re using marijuana, for recreational or social, in a social setting, you’re not damaging yourself. It’s only when you have cancer cells that it’s killing, that it has the ability to affect the ceramide, which can kill the cancer.
That’s correct. So now the ceramide is a feature of every type of cancer. Whenever THC hits the receptor, then ceramide is created in every different type of cancer. And so, no matter where the cancer is, no matter how long you’ve had it, no matter what treatment that you’ve had, if you take cannabis for cancer, it will kill the cancer. Regardless, there’s no caveat.
You have to be able to obtain the cannabis. And so I don’t understand these people who snark from the sidelines and say, all you evil pot growers. It’s because all we voted for brought debit team blah, blah, blah, because we believe in medical, why did you expect people to be able to get some cannabis then? Well, everybody’s so disingenuous about this and everybody’s so two-faced about it. I’m about ready to pull my hair out. I can’t, you know, like, Alice said last week on the show. She said, You know, if you found marijuana in the jungles tomorrow, and found out everything it could be doing, you’d be like a Nobel Prize winner. Yeah, right. It’s been denigrated and has had stigma attached to it because people a long time ago in the 30s saw that the value of this plant and what it could do was going to completely take the legs out from under their monopoly using synthetic products. Right, right. Moral. That’s true.
Right. You wonder where the cancer comes from.
Well, it’s through knowing that cancer patients are being healed by cannabis, that the laws get changed. Because once you have the truth available, then that changes everything.
I wish I believed that. But you know, what I’ve seen, is that I’ve seen that even if you make a rational argument to people, even if you give them facts, even if you challenge them to dispute your facts and prove you wrong, they want to just hold on to their bias and opinion and make it personal and call you names instead.
And that’s true. And that is the very reason why I told some people and didn’t tell others, and some of the people that I didn’t tell was my own family.
Isn’t that sad? You’re a doctor. You’re a biochemist?
No, he’s not a doctor. He’s a biochemist. Okay, I thought they were the same thing.
Well, I do not have a PhD.
Okay, good. Yeah, we want to clarify. Yeah, well, I just don’t understand. It’s so funny because everybody rails in politics about the government. It’s this and that, and they do this and that and they lie and blah, blah, blah. And then yet, but when you try to like, say to them, oh, look at this, then they’re like, oh, man, don’t tell me that. That can’t possibly be true. Really? Howcome? Why? I don’t understand why people can’t extrapolate these things do their own lives. I mean, you know, what, if you’ve caught your spouse cheating one time, you know, everything would be suspect after that, right? You know what I’m talking about. But yet, the American people, they don’t seem to believe that Uncle Sam is out messing around on them. I don’t get it. I’m gonna stop. Now.
You know, it’ surprising to me that I just learned that you just said, because I’m under the impression that the endocannabinoid system was just discovered, like with within the last five years, or six or seven or eight or 10 years. And when you said that it was discovered in the 1940s, yet you went through all of this training in the medical field, and you worked in the cancer industry, and did all of this research, and were surrounded by all of this, you know, things to do with our bodies, that you weren’t familiar with it. Yet, it was discovered in the 1940s. Or, you know, it’s just surprising that it’s not even included in, it must not be included in the medical information. Is that what the deal is that it’s not included until more recently, for some reason?
Well, the medical establishment is not interested in this. And so we have research. That is…
I’m sorry, Dennis, but that’s like saying Dale Earnhardt wouldn’t be interested in like, you know, going fast in a car…
So they’re not even including it. So they’re not even including it in the educational information. That’s correct. Ah, so there really is control over not just the industry itself, but the educational stem of it coming up through the educational system.
I was in medical school. I know what they teach in medical school. And they don’t.
When you say that the endocannabinoid system was discovered in the 1940s, that was when you started researching on your own, that you stumbled on that? Yes. Oh, okay. People say only recently, that’s what they’re referring to, because it’s just only recently been coming out. Okay, that makes sense. Recently, it’s been in the popular press.
I don’t know the exact reference, but I but I know that the government, since 1974, has known that cannabis kills cancer cells, I think it was a UCLA or USC study or something like that. I wasn’t prepared to give that out.
On the papers that you prepared, we have a link on the bottom of, there’s a link to a couple of papers that Dennis prepared that kind of explains more information. And on there, it basically says if somebody has treatment for like, let’s say they go in for radiation treatment or other standard, you know, the so-called accepted cancer treatment, that has an effect and that’s going to have a negative effect actually, if you then try to use cannabis, right? Okay, because now you’re kind of having to repair damage from that. Is that right? Did I interpret that right? Telling me if I’m wrong, tell me.
Tell me again.
Cancer, Chemotherapy and Cannabis Oil
If I’m a cancer patient, and I go for scanner treatment, and I’m getting all this radiation and chemotherapy or whatever I’m getting, is that going to make the cannabis treatment more difficult because now I have… because chemotherapy is basically poison, you’re poisoning your body to kill the cancer. That’s true.
It does hurt you, and, it would, it’s better to start with the cannabis because you have to catch up on a lot of damage. If you start cannabis after the medical treatment of the radiation and the chemotherapy, that is very damaging, and so you have a lot of catching up to do. And we know absolutely for sure that cannabis kills cancer. And so there’s no more, there’s no reason for anybody to ever use another modality.
Right, man, you know, I wish we had like another hour to talk about this, because you know, really, I don’t mean to get sidetracked on the implications of it all. But I just sit here and I do, and I’m sorry, I can’t even sometimes I’m ashamed of the society I live in. But you know what, with a few minutes left, Dennis, any final thoughts that you might want to share?
The Future of Cannabis in Medicine
Okay. I am really optimistic about the future of cannabis in medicine. Because the people who want it will find it. The people who need it will get it. And I’m counseling cancer patients in several different countries in this world. And many of whom in which cannabis is illegal. But they’re finding ways to get their medicine. And I believe the more press we have, the more there are interviews like this on the radio, where people can understand that cannabis does kill cancer every time, then the word will get out, so the cancer patients will be able to get the medicine that they need. I’m optimistic about that.
Awesome. Well, you know what we’ll have to have you on again, and I mean, we’ll have to talk again.
I’m available. All right.
There’s one more thing I want to make clear is because even though we focus on cancer on this specific show, cannabis is used to treat a lot more than just cancer. Alright. So I just want to make sure that, you know that, listeners understand that, if there’s anybody listening that isn’t familiar with cannabis at all.
Well thanks, Dennis, you’re welcome. Thank you very much. It’s great being here. And I look back, look forward to coming back again. Thanks again. You’re welcome. Bye.
All right. So you know, folks, as always, I’m going to remind you of something and it’s the epitome of what’s wrong with what we’re doing. And that is that we cannot keep drugs out of maximum security prisons in this country. So if we can’t do that, how we’re going to keep them out of a free and open society? We can’t. We’re killing everything we believe in what this thing and we need a different approach.
Yes, Mike, I’d like to quote Jay Anslee, who is a political figure running for governor of Washington State, by the way, which is a medical marijuana state. And his quote is “Healing is a moral thing to do, yet is it is politicians like Jay Anslee, who continually fail to be moral in their decisions that affect the treatment of patients and citizens. It is politicians like Jay Anslee, who say one thing, but do another in real life. The complete lack of compassion that turns patients and citizens into fearful enemies of the state, even though they are not inflicting harm on anybody, but instead are merely making a choice to use a plant for healing or happiness.” So Jay Anslee and others like you, Your words are appealing, but your actions do not reflect your words. Not even close.
So you know what, Jay, wake up because it’s gonna be somebody in your family soon and you’re gonna be scrambling around wondering what to do. Anyway, everybody you know, be sure to like us on Facebook, share the link with your friends. You can also visit us on the web at but until next week, as always be safe and good night from Good night.
You’re listening to cannabis nation with your host Mike Budan right here on LA Talk Radio.
Cannabis Oil and Cancer. Any Questions?
This is cancer. This is cannabis oil. This is cancer on cannabis oil. Any questions? I’d have questions, too, if I was you.
So here’s my story. My name is Dave Triplett and I cured my skin cancer using cannabis oil. Several years ago, I had two lesions removed from the tip of my nose. In 2009, the lesions began to return in several places.
I went to the doctor and the doctor gave me a prescription for a cream, he told me to put the cream on my entire face and neck. He also told me to wait until after the holidays to use it because it may cause some redness. I did a Google search for the cream and I realized it was chemotherapy. Next, I found some photo journals of the people who have used the cream. The photos, as you can see, are quite alarming. After seeing the results of what the chemotherapy cream can do, I decided to look into alternatives.
Rick Simpson Oil
Recently, my friend Jennifer had sent me a video about Rick Simpson curing cancer with hemp oil. It was called Run from the Cure. I decided to start there. After I watched Run from the Cure, I began to do some searches. I was really surprised at how much information was available. These are a few of the videos I found.
Cannabis Oil used in treating breast cancer
Breast cancer kills more than 41000 American women every year. Researchers in the San Francisco lab are working to shrink that number and are doing it with an unusual weapon, marijuana.
THC oil and CBD oil
It’s not just THC. These trichomes contain CBD, another valuable chemical. We’re fascinated by this stuff.
What we found is that this compound called cannabidiol was particularly effective at inhibiting aggressive breast cancer.
Cannabis oil is non-toxic
I discovered that despite my training in medicine and science, I had been brainwashed with this substance marijuana, that in fact, it’s remarkably nontoxic. There’s never been a death from it. And I went from there and that started me on a long interest in researching this substance.
Marijuana, cancer and tumors
Marijuana may actually help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. A new Brown University study found long term pot users are 62 percent less likely to develop head and neck cancers. This includes cancers of the mouth, tongue, nose, sinus, throat, and lymph nodes.
Breast cancer, prostate cancer, pheochromocytoma, lymphoma, leukemia, skin cancer, a whole variety of cancers that in experimental situations, meaning in tissue culture or in animal models, you can in fact show that cannabinoids kill these cancers
Into its bloodstream and was carried to its brain. There it met the cannabinoid receptor evolved so many millions of years earlier in the humble sea squirt, and it just so happened to fit like a key in a lock.
Researchers suggest chemicals found in pot called cannabinoids can have an anti-tumor effect.
People are quite excited about the ability of these cannabinoids to kill cancer cells.
Cannabis oil, dagga oil, hash oil, honey oil, cannabis extract
After a few more searches and watching a few more videos. I decided it was time to get myself some cannabis oil. Because I live in California, I was able to go to one of the dispensaries to get some hemp oil. At the dispensaries, they referred to it as dagga oil or hash oil. It’s also called honey oil and cannabis extract. Most people in California, such as myself, refer to it as hash oil. I used the oil for three to four weeks before I saw any results.
Cannabis oil cures cancer
Then the results were dramatic. Not only was the oil healing my nose, but it was bringing cancer to the surface. I didn’t even know were there. Pictures from my nose, you know, cannabis extract or hash oil. As you saw, the cancer was pulled to the surface and healed. Pretty dramatic. In this side view, you can clearly see the cancer being pulled to the surface and healed. The greenish-brown stuff you see is the oil.
Profit, politics and the cannabis cure for cancer
Once I realized that the cannabis oil had cured my cancer, I began to ask myself questions. Why hadn’t my doctor heard about this? Why hadn’t I heard about this before? If cannabis cures cancer, why would it be illegal? As I did more research, I began to realize it’s about profit and politics.
But unless big pharmaceutical companies are behind these things, they may go nowhere.
Is that it? Well, actually, Lloyd, I’ve had two other stories where drugs have shown great promise in the preclinical phase. And because they were orphan drugs and no one picked up, nobody could get the patent on it, they’ve gone nowhere. Drug companies won’t be interested in funding studies for a drug that won’t make them a profit.
Cannabis can’t be patented
This drug, it has great promise. So why aren’t companies and institutions lining up to get behind? Because the drug isn’t patented, if someone invests in researching it, they’re not going to make a profit because anyone can make it.
It costs some say, about 100 million dollars to get a new drug through all the phases of testing onto the market. So it will be interesting to see if this old drug actually gets a new chance at becoming an anti-cancer medication.
You typically get this eureka kind of feeling. And it’s actually the most exciting thing as a scientist.
Cannabis medications in history
I’m not going to have time to go into the history and politics of cannabis. I’ll save that for the next video. I can tell you that cannabis used to be a very, very common medication. It was available in many forms. Here are a few examples of cannabis medications. This is a homeopathic cannabis Sativa bottle. These are some cannabis Indica tablets. This is a cannabis Indica cough syrup. This is a bottle of cannabis pills. This is a bottle of cannabis extract. This is another bottle of cannabis extract. This is Dr. James Cannabis Indica Extract. This is a corn cure. Its main ingredient was cannabis Indica. This medicine was taken away from us and now people are needlessly dying. It’s absolutely ridiculous that this harmless medication isn’t available to cancer patients. May I ask you to please do everything within your power to get the word out that cannabis, without a doubt, cures cancer.
We’ve known that cannabis oil cures cancer for a long time
The National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and members of our government have known since 1975 that cannabis cures cancer. The 1975 report has resurfaced and is now available online. It has become clear to me that because of politics and money, a cancer cure has been kept from us and people are needlessly dying. If you’ve lost somebody from cancer, the chances are their life could have been saved if the oil was available to them.
Please share this information about cannabis
Please share this information with every doctor, researcher, and news outlet you can think of. All we want to do is heal ourselves and there shouldn’t be a law against that.
Diagnosed with Cancer
I was diagnosed, I wasn’t sure of my diagnosis. I was in and out of hospital. And on several occasions they thought I had an ulcer, different things. And I was in for quite a long amount of time when they realized… I had something to eat, I couldn’t eat.
I had a line fitted through my neck, it came out here, and it was TPN, I had to be fed through liquid. And I had an operation to remove the ovary because they realized through a CT scan that I had ovarian cancer, but that’s all I thought I had. So I went home, went back the next week for the operation. I went in and they removed the ovary. They prepared me for a stoma and they did biopsies. And I didn’t know if I’d need a hysterectomy. I didn’t know where it was at this point.
At its worst. How bad was it?
Cancer Prognosis
I had six weeks to live without treatment.
And it had gone…
It was all secondary, what this is. It was in my small bowel, which was inoperable. incurable. I had three big tumors in there. The hole in my stomach was speckled in spots of cancer.
What were you told?
Cancer was Inoperable and Incurable
Well basically, it wasn’t operable. It wasn’t curable. Chemo might buy me time, hopefully they’d be able to get me eating before I died.
Oh my gosh, how horrible for you.
I left, I went back up to the ward. I just wanted to get out of the hospital. I went to the pub with my friends, my best friend Anette, and we just sat outside the red light in my pajamas. I had a PICC line in my arm here at this point, which eventually got sepsis, with my first lot of chemo, gosh, and then I called on my one friend, the friends that research the oil from Rick Simpson.
Introduction to Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil for Cancer
So this is this is Rick Simpson. He claimed that his skin cancer was cured by by taking this cannabis oil.
He was the founder of it that realized and it actually cures cancer and it’s the THC that eats the cancer. And this is the only…
I don’t know why they won’t legalize it here.
Because this is the bit that produces the high?
Yes. So people are far worse drunk, aren’t they? People are going out drinking, they’re in more trouble than they are because this makes you really relaxed, chilled, sleep.
However the first time you tried it…
I was giggly, yes, but not aggressive. It’s never made me, like if you can have a drink people are aggressive, they fight, and but this has never made me feel aggressive. Tired, laughy, giggly, and if you drink with it, it’s not good.
How do you take it?
I take it in a little capsule. I bought these online. I squirt it in there. And I just… I don’t like the taste of it.
And this is it?
This is the oil.
So that’s about 5ml.
That’s not 5ml. Sorry. 5ml Is there? Oh, okay.
That’s three ml. Yeah. And you normally buy it in 5ml syringe?
Five, five mil syringe. Okay.
Yeah. And it’s 250 pounds, to buy that. Yeah.
And how long would that last you?
Probably about between five and six months. I do take a bit more now. Because in August, when I had sepsis in this line I had taken out, I decided then I wasn’t going to have, because I was on chemo three days a week, every two weeks attached to my line. And I’ve just, I’ve had enough at that point. And I just went, I don’t want this anymore. And I hit the oil every night and I was playing with it because I didn’t want to take it, I didn’t like the feeling. And I didn’t know if it would really work. I was a bit skeptical, to be honest.
Cannabis Oil for Cancer – The Results
So what were the results?
Well, my next scan then when I’d only had like one lot of chemo, and then I had a scan. And the results were absolutely astounding. It’s all gone. In my pelvis, ovary, stomach, small bowel, the tumors have gone. There’s a little bit left in my gastric stomach.
There are a number of occasions, we’ve interviewed people on the sofa here. How come at this stage, we know so little about its curative effects?
Government Restriction on Cannabis Oil Use
Essentially, because the government hasn’t allowed people to take it and use it for these purposes. As far as cancer is concerned, there’s around 20 to 25 years of evidence from tissue studies, animal studies. And anecdotal reports like Joy’s here, have quite remarkable, quite very profound effects and, you know, up to up to the level of cures in some cases. But there is, but there’s been no controlled clinical trials, no double blind studies.
But I don’t understand why because treating with cannabidiol will be cheaper than the vast amounts of money that are used for chemotherapy. But why is that sort of the reason?
Cannabis Oil and the Big Pharma Conspiracy
Well, if you’re if you’ve got a mind for conspiracy theories, people accuse big pharma of being quite opposed to cannabis legalization because it would potentially eat into their profits.
Cannabis Oil Causes Apoptosis
But in terms of cancer, what the animals and the tissue studies have shown is that it causes the cancer cells to commit suicide. It’s a process that’s known scientifically as apoptosis, which basically is programed cell death, and it also prevents or reduces is the level of the blood supply to tumor tissue. So it tends to sort of shrivel them at one or one level and then sort of knock them out completely at the other. Can I just say though, it doesn’t work for all cancers? Yeah. And it doesn’t work for all individuals. So one cancer in different individuals might have different effects and different people have got different susceptibilities to, to cannabis.
The importance of THC in Cannabis Oil
How important is this THC? Because we’ve got a home office spokesman said that a CBD product which contains any trace of the psychoactive compounds that are found in cannabis, such as THC, therefore, unlawful to possess, and to supply. You’re breaking the law. How essential in the product is the THC?
There are different, obviously, for different medical conditions, the cannabinoid balances are changed. So for epilepsy, for instance, CBD is the compound that you’re really after because it’s anti convulsant. And it’s also, yeah, that is actually legal. THC is the one that has the effects on things like multiple sclerosis, on the sort of cancer, on various other conditions and pain relief, particularly. And that’s the one that’s illegal because it gets people high, and the government regards people getting high as a very serious side effect, whereas the individuals that take it, some people regard it as an adverse effect, some people regard it as a beneficial effect.
Defiance of the Law Against Cannabis Oil
So, Joy, I mean, as we’ve just discussed, you are breaking the law. Do you worry about getting into trouble with the police? Not at all. It’s my life. When your back’s against the wall and you get told you’ve got six weeks to live you’ll try anything. And I’ve never touched a drug in my life, but you know.
And will you continue to use it? I will Yeah.
How does the endocannabinoid system fight cancer?
From the scientific perspective can you explain to the average listener how cannabis oil works on a cancer cell?
First, let me talk about the normal system the normal immune system how it works against cancer. We make cancer cells all the time. It’s just when the DNA goes haywire that you get an out-of-control cell and if it aggregates then it forms a tumor. But it starts off as a single cell with an aberrant DNA. Well, the immune system knows about this and the endocannabinoid system, which is part of the immune system, goes to work on it.
Now an interesting thing about cancer cells is that when a cell goes cancerous then an increase in the number of receptors on four cannabinoids increases in the cell, so when the body’s own immune system senses this then the endocannabinoid that the body uses is called anandamide and anandamide mates with these receptors and stimulates the production of a chemical called ceramide. And ceramide is like the seal team. It goes in and kills the target when ceramide is produced in the cancer cell. It kills off the mitochondria which produces energy for the cell. So once the mitochondria is dead then the cell can no longer survive. Now when the immune system becomes overstressed through illness or injury or stress, then it gets behind on killing cancer cells, and it doesn’t take much to get behind on killing cancer cells.
Cannabis oil and Ceramide to kill Cancer
If you develop a tumor and all of these cancer cells, then you take cannabis oil, then these cannabinoids go into circulation and mate with these receptors of the cancer cells, which produces a flood of ceramide. Now, because the DNA of cancer cells is distorted, it’s damaged, the ceramide senses this and knows that this cell is dying, and the job of ceramide in the normal body is to kill damaged and dying cells. So, it senses that the cancer cell is abnormal and knows that it needs to die and so that’s why this increase in number of receptors on the cancer cell. So, when the additional cannabinoids reach the cancer cell, they lock into it, sends the ceramide out to destroy the mitochondria, which starves the cell.
Amazing. It is an amazing process and there’s a lot of science on this pathway. There are a lot of researchers that are working on this in Europe. That’s a great reason. Would you say Germany as well? Italy. I see a lot of publications coming from Italy. And, several other countries are doing a lot of research on this, and fortunately, a lot of the scientific articles have been translated into English. We need to get rolling here right. We need to put it on the on the bandwagon here to in the United States.
Dennis Hill cured his prostate cancer in six months with cannabis oil
Well for three months I took my daily dose. One drop.
It took three months to get rid of your cancer?
Well in three months I went back from my next exam and they found that the prostate had reduced in size by almost half, so the urologist told me, he said the tumour is gone.
And, this is really stunning that in three months the aggressive metastasizing tumor was gone and you had no radiation?
No radiation, no chemo no surgery. I did have another exam an independent exam just to make sure and that doctor found that there were still tumor cells, and so I continued the course. And these are metastatic lesions that had not been killed yet. So I stayed on it for three more months. The total course was six months and then the biopsy result after six months was completely clear of cancer.
So it really took you six months to be cured of prostate cancer? What stage of cancer were you when you started?
Well, it was very advanced. It is very advanced, and it was very aggressive. Once you get told by a doctor that you may not be with us much longer if you didn’t start treatment of some kind.
I think he wanted to do radiation and cautioned you that you may not be living after six or eight weeks if you didn’t start something soon. He was a little nervous about it but I didn’t hold him responsible and if my herbal therapy did not work, I could still go and do the other treatments.
But you did not elect to do both at the same time?
I didn’t see any reason to do that for myself. And I can only talk about myself. I wouldn’t recommend any particular course to anybody. Well, we could just continue, and continue, and continue, on this, but this is revolutionary. And if people want to suffer and they want to take the hard road, they can. But if they want to try an alternative route they have a choice. No matter what kind of cancer you have. You have another choice, and it’s pain-free. No side effects. The cannabis oil only targets the cancer cell. That’s correct. It does not weaken the immune system or anything. It sounds like it supports the immune system. Support, simply because the endocannabinoid system is already set up with cannabinoids. And, the body’s own anandamide is the same. They act on these receptors. So, when the amount that you get from the body is not enough, you can supplement it with its counterpart from the cannabinoids. Marvelous. It is marvelous.
Thank you so much for your testimony and your time and you’re a humanitarian you’re coming forward standing in your truth going to help a lot of people. Thank you.
How was Rick Simpson Oil Discovered?
How did I discover it? Well, I mean, I’d heard about hemp oil for years. I mean back I think it was in the late ’60s, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love used to make high-grade hemp oil and ship it from Afghanistan into the U.S. years ago. It was very expensive.
But then, a few years later, around 1975, I heard about the Medical School of Virginia study which stated that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, had been found to kill cancer cells. But I never really acted on it, you know I didn’t have cancer myself at the time.
But in around 1988 I started growing cannabis. And then I think it was around 1993 or 1994 I actually took two pounds of prime bud and tried to produce some oil for myself, but the whole experiment was a failure. The instructions I followed were not correct. But during that experience, I figured out more or less where I had gone wrong. I already had wasted so much good cannabis, but I thought I won’t do this. I won’t go there. So I just left it alone.
But a few years later after my head injury, then they gave me all kinds of medications, but they didn’t help me. So, I started. I was smoking pot and that was helping me a bit, but around 1999 I really started thinking more about going back to, and trying to make, the oil again, because I knew I liked smoking the pot or smoking marijuana because it would make me sleep a bit better. But it still didn’t have the kick of power that I needed, because this noise was just keeping me awake 24 hours a day.
So in 1999, I talked to my doctor one day, and I asked him about this. I said what would you think if I produce the essential oil of this plant and ingest it as opposed to smoking it? He gave me this very strange look when I came up with that statement, but he said it would be a much more medicinal way to use the substance. But still, they wouldn’t give me a prescription so I could do this legally. So then, in 2001, the medical system cut me loose. They just told me like we’ve tried everything we have and nothing has helped you, so you’re on your own.
Cannabis Oil Started to Work
Then I really started with… I had no choice then… so I started to take the oil on a steady basis and it just improved my health so dramatically. And over such a short period of time. I mean my head still rings all the time but I can live with it now.
What are the Effects of Cannabis Oil?
I can sleep. It lowered my blood pressure so I don’t have a problem with that now. It cured the arthritis in my knees, then I cleared my skin cancer with it. In 2003 before I finally really clued in about all the wonderful things this medicine could do and I thought at the time that the government or my government in Canada would react and do something about this.
Legalisation of Cannabis Oil
And so I started contacting all the political parties and David Suzuki, the Cancer Society, even the United Nations. We went to everybody. Nobody would lift a finger. But I started like in 2003 after I cured myself, I started supplying oil to other people. And then more. And they would tell their friends. and then more of their friends would come. It just kept growing. So really it got to the point that I couldn’t stop. The people just kept coming and I mean what do you do when somebody calls you on the phone crying? My father or mother is dying with cancer. I need your help. I need this oil. How can you refuse that? In Canada, the legal system persecuted me. They made me into a criminal for healing people, which makes no sense, and it really disgusted me about my own country. But I just kept going on and this is where we’re at today.
Cannabis Oil Medicine is Being Recognized World-Wide
I mean finally, this medicine is being recognized worldwide. I would say now millions of people have used it and have seen its effects, and I think there are hundreds of thousands of people that have made it already. So it’s just a matter of This medicine is coming they can’t stop it. It is the greatest medicine on this earth and it makes what the medical system… what they’re using… it makes what they’re using look like what it really is: It’s just poison trash that nobody should be using to heal. Nature heals, and the cannabis plant is the greatest healer in nature.
How does Cannabis Oil Cure Cancer?
Well as I mean it’s been well it’s been proven since the 70s that… Do you know what happens? It’s like when you take the oil into your body, the cannabinoids within the oil, if the oils are decarboxylated, you take the carboxyl group away and the molecules will fit into our cannabinoid receptors. Our cb1 cb2 receptors, once they fit in, if we have cancer, once these molecules fit into these receptors, it causes a buildup of a fat molecule called ceramide. And when ceramide comes in contact with cancer cells it causes programmed cell death within the cells. But it does no harm to healthy cells. And another thing that most people don’t know, if you look at tumors in the cells that make up the tumors, they’re basically trying to commit suicide because they’re actually… cancer cells put on many more receptor sites than ordinary cells because if they have more receptor sites there’s more chance of them getting the cannabinoids they need to kill themselves. That’s really what happens.
What are the legal issues around legalizing Cannabis?
Well, in reality there are no legal issues, There are corruption issues. That’s the only issue we have here. This plant has been used by man for thousands of years. It’s man’s oldest known, and I think it’s just man’s best friend. We’ve used it for food medicine, fiber, you name it. And today we need this plant desperately, because this earth is poisoned, and it’s getting worse every day. And if we don’t wise up rapidly it’s going, and we’re going to go extinct. But the simple truth is any law, act, or statute that was ever put in place that restricted this medicine’s use – they were all based on corruption. They’re not real laws. They’re just ink and paper, that’s all. They are written by men who wanted to make more profit or who were working for the super-rich families on this earth. So to me, if it was a real law, and at this time if this plant actually caused real harm or danger, I would agree the law would be fine against it. But this plant does not present a danger. It’s only a danger to the big-money interests. And we need it now to survive. I think the time has come for us to take back our rights. And the time has come to grow cannabis everywhere and use it in every possible way. On our plastic waste.
Cannabis and Legalizing Cannabis in Croatia
If I was in charge of Croatia it wouldn’t be a little change. Because if I was the president of Croatia tomorrow, I’d just come out and say okay it’s legal. Growing, use it for energy, use it for food, use it for medicine. Set an example to the rest of the world. And that’s what they would be doing. And Croatia would have so many tourists they wouldn’t know what to do with them all. So I think it would be wonderful for this country. And as soon as other countries see what was happening here, they would all be doing the same. So that’s the future.
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?
The History of Cannabis
It’s been used by human beings since the dawn of time. Early man’s diet undoubtedly included cannabis, since it grew prolifically in Africa and Asia and was highly nourishing due to its protein and omega 3 content. Marijuana may well have been the first cultivated plant. There’s speculation that Stone Age man may have used the wild herb to speed up his language skills, the use of new tools, new materials, cave art, and musical instruments. What created this sudden improvement? Some scientists proposed that marijuana could have opened the door to greater consciousness in Mesolithic man.
Cannabis Oil and Brain Function
New research suggests that the early humans who regularly consumed cannabis may have enhanced their brain functions and might have possibly triggered a great leap forward. But that’s all conjecture, what we do know is that cannabis is still inspiring new discoveries and a deeper understanding of the nature of health and disease.
Cannabinoids kill cancer cells
This group of chemicals has significant anti-tumor properties. Cannabinoids kill cancer cells. In many cases, they have anti-tumor properties. There’s nothing else that impacts on so many of our illnesses.
We know that it kills cancer cells without hurting the non-transformed cells.
Cannabis treats a host of ailments without side effects
In recent years, the hemp plant has been proven to be anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-bacterial. It can treat depression, traumatic stress syndrome, chronic pain, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, Tourettes, nausea, and a host of other ailments without the unwanted side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Historical evidence shows that the holy anointing oil used by Old Testament Hebrews contained cannabis extract. The early Christians used cannabis as part of their baptismal process. In the eighteen hundreds, medical journals published more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of the drug, then known as Cannabis Indica or Indian Hemp.
Cannabis was often prescribed by doctors
Cannabis was often prescribed by doctors and was part of every medical bag right through the early part of the century. It was a popular treatment for labor pains, asthma, rheumatism, and nervous disorders. It was even given to cranky babies to get them to stop crying. Queen Victoria, who lent her name to the repressive Victorian era, was also a bit of a pothead. The queen found that cannabis was the only remedy that helped her painful menstrual cramps. Britannia could rule the waves a lot easier when she was high.
Doctors prohibited from prescribing Cannabis
But then the dark days for pot began in the early part of the 20th century, with the advent of chemically created drugs and an emerging profit-driven assembly line medical system. The new order didn’t want competition, and cannabis was still preferred by many patients and doctors to the new miracle drugs, which were composed mainly of unnatural toxic substances. After lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry and fear-mongering misinformation by their donation-dependent allies in Congress, a federal law was passed in 1937 that prohibited doctors from prescribing pot in any circumstances under threat of prosecution, even though it was strongly opposed by the American Medical Association of its day.
All cannabis products were removed from the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary by 1942. After alcohol was re-legalized, rather than go out of business, the massive bureaucracy of prohibition turned its operation to marijuana eradication.
It was Harry Anslinger, who was a racist, who was the head of the Federal Narcotics Bureau. He had been a prohibitionist. And then when prohibition ended, they gave him a new job. And he was in every president’s government since Roosevelt to Kennedy. Harry Anslinger was concerned that the use of marijuana by black and Latino jazz musicians was going to lead to increased crime and increased mental illness in the United States.
The Treasury Department intends to pursue relentless warfare against the despicable dope-peddling vulture who preys on the weakness of his fellow man.
The end of the war on cannabis
This war on cannabis lasted until just a few years ago when states started passing their own medical marijuana initiatives in order to once again provide pot safely to patients. California was the first U.S. state to pass a medical marijuana law in 1996. The intent was to give relief to patients suffering from chronic pain, AIDS, cancer, and other illnesses. Since 1996, 13 other American states have passed similar compassionate use laws, 12 more have ballot measures or legislation pending.
Less cancers in cannabis users
Although cannabis smoke has been shown to have precancerous effects in animal tissue, countless studies have failed to find a link between cannabis smoking and cancer and in fact, have shown that heavy marijuana users have considerably fewer cancers than the general population.
Dr. Donald Taskin is a very good researcher at UCLA. He is a pulmonologist. His research demonstrated that the incidence of lung cancer in people who smoked cannabis was less than the incidence of lung cancer in people who smoked nothing at all.
We actually succeeded in studying 600, about 600 lung cancer cases, about 600 head and neck cancer cases. And we, the bottom line is, we failed to find any positive association between marijuana, even heavy marijuana use, which we define as more than 10 years. Even if you look at more than 60 years of joint years – a joint year is a joint a day, times the number of joints smoked, we could not see an association. So I think it’s really essentially a negative study. We failed to find any positive association with cancer.
Is it possible that the tar and smoked pot could be causing malignancies while the chemical constituents in pot are curing them at the same time? Although there’s some concern that marijuana can exacerbate schizophrenia and psychosis in a few patients already suffering from these diseases, recent extensive studies in the UK have failed to support a causal relationship between marijuana and mental disorders.
Cannabis Oil South Africa
The Constitutional Court also failed to find compelling evidence with their ruling in Johannesburg that cannabis oil in South Africa causes any appreciable harm.
Self medicating with Cannabis Oil
Many of the people who are sort of phobic about marijuana say that it leads to schizophrenia. And I think what we really know is that’s not the case, that, that adolescents who seem to have a bit of a thought disorder, perhaps pre-schizophrenia, find that smoking marijuana helps their thought disorder. And therefore, you have more people who are schizophrenic who found that they can self-medicate with marijuana and they smoke marijuana. It’s not that marijuana is causing the schizophrenia that these people have discovered this as a potential therapy for their disorder.
Cannabinoids – THC oil
It was only in the 1960s that fat soluble THC was isolated from pot plants and declared the substance that got us high.
These substances in the cannabis plant, which are active, are kind of oily, fatty-like, lipid-like, and they’re hard to work with. So it has been very hard for chemists to get a handle on these kind of substances. Therefore, it took until 1964 for Raphael Mechoulam and his colleague Edri to discover the active compound in the cannabis plant, which they called then Delta Nine Tetrahydrocannabinol or as we know it, THC oil.
That compound that we isolated in 1964, tetrahydrocannabinol THC, has been looked into in great depth, and indeed for the next 20 years, people got to know a lot about the chemistry, a lot about the clinical effects and a lot about the biochemistry of THC. One thing was still unknown 20 years later, I mean I’m speaking from 1964 ’till the mid 80s. Nothing was known about the mechanism.
How does THC act in the body?
Cannabis can affect memory and movement, but only temporarily. Though there have been reports of pott’s negative effects on the heart and cardiovascular system, they are rare and not scientifically substantiated.
Cannabis Oil is low risk
Research has also shown that past claims of brain damage from cannabis failed to hold up under scientific scrutiny. All in all, cannabis is very low risk. The long history of the human use of cannabis also attests to its safety. Nearly 5000 years without a single documented death,
…A few different types of edibles right now we’ve got the ice cream. Ice cream…
Cannabis oil edibles
Medical marijuana dispensaries across America, are now offering an impressive array of cannabis enhanced foods, which makes it easier to over-medicate with marijuana edibles. But even so, they are never toxic or lethal and the symptoms will disappear within a few hours,
…made with more Indica hybrid, and those go by dosage, the green label or single strength, the red or triple. See, when I’ve eaten, eaten stuff before, it just kind of made me tired. I wonder if you wouldn’t need much of it. You wouldn’t eat a whole one? No way.
You would need a whole knowing.
Have you tried this? I have. I had one little bite.
Well, you can eat four cookies, you can eat six cookies. I mean, what’s that? You’re going to end up falling asleep. You can’t O.D. from. It’s impossible. You’re not going to die from it. That’s not going to happen I’ve tried.
For marijuana to prove fatal, you’d have to smoke 1500 pounds within 15 minutes and any resulting death would likely be from asphyxiation.
Cannabinoids have a significant effect on almost all cancers
Dozens of major studies have been published in the last few years that indicate that the chemicals in cannabis, in the lab, and in animals have a significant effect on fighting almost all major cancers, including brain, breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, colon, skin, pituitary melanoma and leukemia cancers. They do this by promoting the death of cancer cells that have forgotten how to die, as well as a reduction in their crucial blood supply while leaving healthy cells untouched.
Endocannabinoids’ effect on cancer and the endocannabinoid system
But why, you may wonder, would cannabis have any effect on cancer? The answer can be explained in one word: endocannabinoids. Amazing as it sounds, we’re all born with a form of cannabis already in our bodies. It’s called the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, influences multiple physiological processes. This intricate system modulates energy intake as well as nutrient transport, metabolism, and storage. A completely natural collection of compounds, endocannabinoids are our body’s own form of marijuana and are involved in most of our cells and structures.
What do endocannabinoids do?
Endocannabinoids control a variety of functions in the nervous system, heart, reproductive and immune systems. Endocannabinoid messengers help the cells communicate. Typically, they protect our good cells while killing the bad ones like cancer cells. In all animals, the nervous system is made of the same components, large numbers of nerve cells carrying electrical signals. And wherever the cells meet, these signals are passed to a receptor in the next cell by a chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter. Inside the brain, there are different types of neurotransmitters, including dopamine and serotonin.
All animals from rodents to fish to elephants to humans, have inherited this basic structure. But hundreds of millions of years ago, the sea squirt and other primitive invertebrates evolved an innovation to this system.
What happened was the nervous system acquired a new chemical, a chemical if you like that had a new flavor and new type of chemical. And it’s this chemical that is related in structure, a similar shape, to the chemical that’s found in cannabis.
Because of this similarity, these new signals came to be known as cannabinoids. It was inevitable that eventually, cannabis would meet its perfect partner: Us. Whether you like it or not, each and every one of us is fundamentally wired to respond to cannabis.
Now, receptors are not built in our brain or anywhere in our body, of course, animal bodies, because there is a plant out there that will produce a compound that acts on them. That just doesn’t work that way. Receptors are found in our bodies because we produce compounds that will activate those receptors. So obviously we thought that there should be endogenous compounds which act on those receptors. The fact that there is a plant compound tetrahydrocannabinol, the THC, which acts on those receptors, is just a quirk of nature.
Endocannabinoid receptors – THC and the brain
After scientists discovered THC, they found that it could bind to specific receptors in the brain and the area around it, and that this interaction created a cascade of biological processes leading to the well-known high.
What does it feel like? That looks very enjoyable.
My God, it’s fun. It was amazing. Amazing.
The detrimental effects of blocking endocannabinoid receptors
If you block the endocannabinoids artificially in mice, they tend to grow tumors and they also get depressed. A few years ago, some brilliant entrepreneurs came up with the idea of blocking the endocannabinoids in our bodies to create a new diet drug. The theory being, if cannabis gives people the munchies, then blocking the endocannabinoids would make them lose their appetites. The drug they developed, Rimonabant, did indeed reduce appetite by blocking the endocannabinoid receptors. But data from clinical trials showed that Rimonabant users suffered depression, anxiety, insomnia, and aggressive impulses at twice the rate of subjects given a placebo.
Well Sanofi-Aventis, the company that had developed and was marketing this agent, did not study people with a history of psychiatric illness or depression before they applied for approval. That was probably a mistake. The AMA did approve it and the drugs have been on the market in Europe for a year, a year and a half by now. And I’ve sort of said if it was any real problem with this, that was more than just theoretical, we would know. Well, it turns out we do know and they’ve suggested now that the risk for this agent outweighs the benefit.
Endocannabinoids are mood regulators
In one study, there were five suicides among Rimonabant users because, as they discovered, endocannabinoids are also mood regulators with the capacity to make us feel euphoric or when blocked, depressed. Rimonabant was finally withdrawn from the market in 2008. Researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas reported that mice and Rimonabant developed potentially cancerous polyps at a far higher rate than controls, confirming that endocannabinoids are not only mood regulators but tumor regulators as well.
My good Italian friend Demarzo summarized the activity, which is really a summary, says well, what do the endocannabinoids do? They relax us, help us eat, sleep, forget and protect, not remember, forget, and don’t think that forgetting is less important than recalling. We should have a system to forget otherwise, well, if you wish, we can burst. If you go down a mall and see a thousand faces. Do you want to remember all of them? Of course not.
Endocannabinoids restrain cancerous tumorous
What’s especially fascinating is that while significant numbers of endocannabinoids are not normally found in breast and prostate cells, the homes for the two leading forms of cancer, it appears that large quantities show up only after normal cells begin to progress toward a state of uncontrolled growth in a desperate attempt to restrain the tumorous invaders. The endocannabinoids already in our bodies did an efficient job for hundreds of thousands of years, working as tumor regulators, free radical scavengers, and anti-inflammatory agents. But then, once we entered the Industrial Age with all its pollution and chemical doctoring of food, the endocannabinoids became overwhelmed and couldn’t keep up with the task of keeping us healthy and protected from toxins.
Better public health helped us live longer, but unfortunately, human beings became inundated with the free radicals our bodies produced naturally by simply being alive, along with an unprecedented avalanche of carcinogens and contaminants, including pharmaceutical drugs. The endocannabinoids needed help. Enter cannabis. When marijuana is consumed and broken down into a collection of cannabinoid molecules, the THC and its sisters seek out and bind with the endocannabinoid receptors already inside us. Together, they give the body more ammunition against all of the diseases of modern times.
Where are cannabinoid receptors?
And let me show you what you have. So this is an image from our subject from today.
The receptors are highlighted in what color?
In bright red. Well, any color that you see there are receptors and red is the really dense area. You can see there’s a lot of red and yellow. Green and blue are where they’re really not dense areas where there are not many receptors in our brain.
So they really are everywhere.
Yes. Yes. In fact, they’re the densest receptors, one of the densest receptors in the brain, most populated throughout the entire brain, right into the brain. Look how hot that is right in the brain. But there are also cannabinoid receptors in the liver. Also, look at the bone marrow, the vertebral column, the ribs.
So how do you think what we’re seeing here in this image, how does that relate to the experience of using cannabis? Well, look at the amount of cannabinoid receptors in the brain. A lot of them, a lot of the effects of cannabis use are in the brain. Euphoria. As an anxiolytic. It dissolves your anxiety or it can even cause your anxiety. So cannabis abusers or cannabis users talk about having this high, this euphoria that’s probably from some of the deep structures in the brain.
Cannabis is effective against a variety of diseases including diabetes and cancer
Scientists are now experimenting to see which parts of the pot plant, including its cannabinoids and other biological compounds, might be the most effective against a variety of diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Despite all the difficulties, there’s a group of doctors in the U.S. and abroad who have been advancing the research on the medical use of cannabis with highly impressive and sometimes revolutionary discoveries. In a scholarly cancer review article published in 2009, there were over four hundred and twenty-one chemical compounds identified in the cannabis plant.
And within this group of natural substances, there are many chemicals that have significant anti-tumor properties at low enough doses to where they would be effective cancer treatments. That’s an important part of this. It’s one thing to be able to kill a cancer cell, but could you really survive such a treatment?
A botanist from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs branch, Robert Melamed, who has written an article comparing the carcinogenic effect of cannabis with tobacco in explaining why he thinks that cannabis has the anti-cancer effect for lung cancer.
Cannabis oil panacea
There’s nothing else that impacts on so many of our illnesses. You see, when I talk about these age-related illnesses, we’re all aging, but we don’t all come down with cardiovascular disease. We don’t all come down with autoimmune disease. We don’t all come down with cognitive dysfunction. We don’t all come down with cancer. But the chances are we’re going to come down with one of them. All right. And here we have this one drug that’s able to help us holistically with our biochemistry to restore balance. You know cannabinoids kill cancer cells. In many cases, people are not aware of that. They think cancer, cannabis, anti-nausea, it’s way beyond.
Marijuana seeks out cancerous cells and kills them
There are also studies taking look at other organ systems that have found that marijuana seeks out the cancerous cells and preferentially kills them over the healthy cells.
There’s a wealth of laboratory evidence that these anti-tumor properties kill cancer cells in a variety of ways. There are multiple mechanisms of action identified by which cannabis kills cancer cells and they’re divided into various categories. And among these are anti-proliferative effects. Normally, that’s, that’s one of the hallmarks of a cancer cell, is that it just keeps reproducing. So if you stop the reproduction, that’s an anti-proliferative effect. There are anti-angiogenesis effects. And this means that the cannabinoids will stop the tumor from being able to elaborate or grow new blood vessels to support the growth of the tumor.
There are anti-metastatic effects, and that is simple enough to mean that the cannabinoids block the ability of the cancer cells to spread into other tissues. And there’s another effect that has a wild name: apoptotic effect. Apoptosis refers to the ability of cannabinoids to speed the death of the abnormal cells. That’s something that is especially important in cancer because you’re able to hasten the death of this cell without disturbing the normal cells around it.
Seth Research Laboratories in California have recently demonstrated that in some tumors, cancer cells are killed by marijuana while the other healthy cells are left untouched. Cells that stop moving and become still white dots are dead cancer cells. The ability of cannabinoids to kill bad cells while protecting healthy ones is particularly important when we’re talking about brain cancer. Because of the so-called blood-brain barrier, the brain has to be sheltered from outside influences that might hitch a ride on the bloodstream and cause havoc.
What is exciting and unique about cannabinoids is that they can pass through the blood-brain barrier because of their slippery, oily, fat-loving nature. Cannabinoids get right into the brain’s cancer cells by moving easily through the cells membranes, which are also composed of lipids. The evidence is piling up in mice-infested labs that the endocannabinoid system, when stimulated by cannabinoids, has an anti-tumor effect and can instruct cancer cells to commit suicide.
Cannabinoids protect nerves
This was done by Manuel Guzman’s group within the past less than 10 years. And what they showed there was that originally that THC when injected into a brain tumor in mice and rats, a significant number of those animals the tumor would regress and disappear so that you actually had survival of rats that would otherwise die. And they examined all the surrounding nerve tissue and that was all fine because remember, once again, cannabinoids protect nerves.
Dr. Manuel Guzman is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in Madrid, Spain, and is known for his groundbreaking studies on medical cannabis.
Why don’t doctors know about cannabis oil and cancer?
If cannabis might be the miracle cancer cure that everybody’s been searching for, then why don’t doctors everywhere know about it?
People have a hard time believing that cannabis oil can have all of these fantastic effects that are described. But what we’re doing is we’re just stimulating a natural system that’s already there. This has been developing for hundreds of millions of years. The early invertebrates, the sea squirts, the Hydra, there are primitive endocannabinoid systems in those organisms. Back, dating back six seven hundred million years ago. The cannabis plant came along maybe 50 or 60 million years ago.
Funding research for cannabis oil
Why aren’t billions in funds being directed toward cannabinoid research by the organizations that raise money for cancer therapies?
Talking about medical research that, you know, it’s really a double-edged sword. On the one hand, I’m thrilled that there’s really more research taking place now than at any time in history when it comes to the therapeutic use of cannabis and specifically the cannabinoids, the components in cannabis. You know, unfortunately, a lot of that research is still relegated to taking place overseas. We see a little bit now finally taking place in this country. But really, the United States remains fairly well behind the curve when it comes to cutting-edge medical cannabis research.
It’s very difficult to do research with cannabis, the plant product, because, you know, it’s restricted in what research we can do with it.
Research on this area is in its infancy. And that is because the United States government has discouraged that kind of research both in the United States and elsewhere.
It’s only an aromatic herb, yet almost every government in the world restricts or bans its use. In many countries, cannabis suppliers and even users can still be put in jail for life or even executed.
It’s illegal in America. I mean, I think there are treaties that prevent anybody from accepting marijuana as a medicine now. Recently, Canada, Spain and the Netherlands have sort of broken from these treaties. But I think these things are bigger than just any single country’s politics.
Despite these initiatives, we want to make clear that federal law still applies and federal officials will continue to apply the law, and DEA officials will review cases as they have to determine whether to revoke the registration of any physician who recommends or prescribes so-called Schedule One controlled substances.
Cannabis in corporate
Why does the corporate media continue to connect marijuana only with gangs, violent drug dealers and society’s losers, and not the growing numbers of doctors and scientists who are discovering its benefits? It is true that for those who use it regularly, pot can change your way of thinking and it can make people question why they should continue to do things that aren’t making them happy.
I like smoking marijuana. It calms me down. I just feel totally at ease. Everybody knows me. Smoke a little marijuana, Tom, you’ll be great. Everything’s gonna be fine, you know? Corporate world made me stressed, extremely stressed. Totally stressed. I’m so happy I’m out of the corporate world, it’s amazing.
In essence, grass can make you feel that the past and the future are not as important as the present. It has the potential to alter the very nature of consciousness by opening up the mind to unpredictable possibilities. That doesn’t sit well with those who insist on remaining in control.
Alcohol, cannabis and prohibition
It’s a very simple reality. Marijuana leads to doing worse things. That’s just a fact. I don’t care what anybody says, what the debate is.
We’ve heard that for years, that it’s a gateway drug. What do you say to that, Congressman Paul?
Well, I think that’s silly. Probably the most addictive drug in the country and the world is alcohol. So if you’re a consistent person, you think the government should be regulating personal behavior, you have to be for prohibition of alcohol. And when you look back and throughout history and what happened to that, that was a total disaster. It created the Al Capones. I mean, look at it, total disaster that’s happened with medical marijuana. Anybody in the United States can go to California and go find a doctor and buy marijuana. And simply, marijuana is not a medicine.
Growing cannabis overseas
Cannabis is a natural substance and therefore can’t be patented. Anyone with a green thumb can grow it. And so its production could be in the hands of the people, not the corporations that run a 200 billion dollar a year cancer business. It may not be a coincidence that pharmaceutical companies are silently preparing for what could easily become a total revolution in the curing habits of the world’s population. GW Pharmaceuticals, a company that specializes in the study and commercialization of cannabinoids, has already established a full-cycle facility in an undisclosed location in the south of England, where they oversee the cultivation of the plant right to the finished medical product.
Marijuana growing areas.
This facility grows 30 to 60000 plants every year. Once the marijuana is ready for processing, it undergoes the same exact treatment for extraction and refinement that is forbidden to regular citizens around the world.
Amazingly, GW Pharmaceuticals is a company that has six greenhouses in a secret location in the south of England and each greenhouse has different strains of marijuana and each greenhouse has ten thousand plants. And each of the plants is a clone of the other. So they’ve standardized this stuff. Now their product was approved for sale in Canada for treatment of multiple sclerosis, muscle spasm,s and the pain related to that.
And this is a spray.
This is an under the tongue spray. And the reason they went with the spray was they felt that they would have a hard time getting by the regulators if they had people smoke it.
And the United States, things are moving fast as well.
CBD is effective at treating aggressive breast cancer
Breast cancer kills more than forty-one thousand American women every year. Researchers in the San Francisco lab are working to shrink that number. And they’re doing it with an unusual weapon, marijuana, or at least a compound from it.
What we found is that this compound called cannabidiol (CBD oil), was particularly effective at inhibiting aggressive breast cancers.
I have a lot of faith in pharmaceutical companies and their ability to make money. And I think that if you take a look at what’s going on now, first off, you’ve got an awful lot of basic science that’s going on in regards to cannabis and cannabinoids. And some of this research is being paid for by pharmaceutical companies.
We know that this compound extracted from cannabis is non-toxic in patients because it has already been used for different kinds of diseases.
The benefits may not stop there. Scientists say the cannabis compound may fight other aggressive cancers, including prostate cancer. The next step, animal studies, then clinical trials. So it may be several years before patients may benefit from a cannabis cancer product.
About the compounds in cannabis
Cannabis contains 421 chemicals, more than 60 of which are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are a unique class of compounds not found anywhere else in nature. A colorful plant with antioxidant activity, cannabis is subject to few predators and has even been utilized as an insect repellent.
It’s quite an amazing spectrum of compounds that are in that plant. And what’s so unique and incredible about them is they are touching on this incredible system that pervades all of us and regulates everything from, I tell people, cradle to grave because it’s in mothers’ milk.
Another stress to which pot plants are subject results from their daily exposure to the radiation produced by ultraviolet sunlight. This has created certain unique defenses in cannabis.
Why would this plant have evolved THC, the psychoactive compound? What was the reason for the cannabis plant?
I consider that the accumulation of THC gives a lot of privilege to cannabis, for example, this plant, very resistant to ultraviolet. Extremely.
So it’s like a defense against ultraviolet light at this altitude.
THC and free radicals
The same chemical that protects the plant may well have a preventative anti-cancer effect inside the human body, since THC and other cannabinoids are scavengers of disease-causing free radicals.
What our cannabinoid system is evolved to do over many hundreds of millions of years has been to protect us from those kinds of imbalances, to restore the kind of health that we need. And because of our environment in particular and because we are living longer, we need to be able to adapt very rapidly today. And we can’t do that on an evolutionary scale. The way for us to do that as people, as intelligent people, is to make sure we’re eating good diets stay away from toxins and eat these essential fatty acids, and when necessary, consume cannabinoids.
Modern medicine under the pharmaceutical-based paradigm has been looking for targeted therapies. So instead of looking for a medicine that can treat nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, pain, anxiety, we look for something that can block, you know, this enzyme inside the cells membrane. And so, that’s, you know, what we’re taught is medicine. The other things are considered snake oil, anything that can do that many things that effectively, makes people a little bit leery.
Four cannabinoid compounds in reasearch
There are four cannabinoid compounds that are of the most interest to scientists doing medical research.
Delta nine Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, is the principal psychoactive ingredient that creates euphoria in the smoker. THC exerts a wide spectrum of biological effects by mimicking the body’s own natural endocannabinoids.
If you look in the microscope, you’ll see sort of some glistening golf-ball-like structures. And those are the glandular trichomes in the inflorescence of the plant, which contain all the chemicals that are interesting for making medicine.
Cannabis treats glioblastoma multiforme brain tumors
Probably one of the most fascinating cases is a gentleman with the glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor, a very deadly tumor.
This tumor from diagnosis, untreated, the average survival is just three months. Fully treated with radiation surgery and chemotherapy is about 12 months. So this gentleman is a middle-aged man who began using cannabis at the time of his diagnosis. He’s been very consistent in using cannabis on a daily, multiple-time-daily basis now for seven years without any signs of recurrence.
Faced with this rapidly changing scenario, the Drug Enforcement Administration is trying to modify its official position to allow pharmaceutical companies to market THC without appearing to contradict all the negative information on marijuana they’ve been propagating for decades.
All available research has concluded that marijuana is dangerous to our health.
The DEA now recognizes the medical qualities of THC while trying to shift the blame for the prohibition of marijuana to the possible damage caused by the smoke.
How about the pill form that’s legalized already? The pill form is legal for two or three things – nausea and vomiting of chemotherapy, AIDS wasting, and also for certain kinds of neuropathic pain.
The holy grail for the pharmaceutical industry and really for the federal government, too, is to find the next billion-dollar pharmaceutical, the next billion-dollar drug. And the pharmaceutical industry now knows that these drugs are going to be cannabinoids. They know that medicinal qualities are there to cure all kinds of medical problems. But I can tell you that the whole plant is uniquely effective. I’ve yet to find a person in my practice who prefers the prescription pure THC over the natural plant.
That just is unheard of in the patients.
Cannabidiol CBD effects on the human body
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a nonpsychoactive component of cannabis that gives the sedative effect to the high experienced. Among its numerous functions, CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It helps fight diabetes, bacterial infections, and malignant tumors. This compound is also a nerve protectant and has well-documented antipsychotic and anxiety-reducing effects.
There’s quite a lot of CBD in that particular one as well. Cannabidiol, which is another cannabinoid, a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, which we think is actually a very important component of the medicine. We’re fascinated by this stuff, which, you know, has tremendous potential as an anti-inflammatory, but also, not surprisingly, as an antipsychotic.
CBD could be a treatment for psychosis
So hold on, are you telling me that CBD could be a treatment for psychosis? Isn’t that ironic? With all the sort of tremendous publicity around the link with cannabis smoking and the potential of increasing risk of psychosis? Here we have a component of the plant, which itself is antipsychotic.
The cannabis plant has been bred for decades to maximize the amount of THC. That gives the plant the strongest psychoactive effect for the least amount of product. Now, in doing this, we’ve bred the other cannabinoids out of the plant or down to minuscule amounts. And each of those cannabinoids that have been bred down to minuscule amounts has its own medicinal quality or medicinal properties. So we’ve lost a lot of those other properties. I and a group of doctors have been asking growers to bring back CBD into the plant because cannabidiol, along with some of these other minor cannabinoids such as cannabidiol and cannabichromene, have shown to have a lot of anti-cancer properties.
Tetrahydrocannabivarin THCV effect on the human body
Tetrahydrocannabivarin or THCV has been found in significant amounts, mostly in South African and some Thai strains of grass. High concentrations of THCV will make the high come on quicker but last for less time. This chemical compound may eventually prove to be a useful treatment for Type Two diabetes. THCV has been shown to have a protective, preventative effect against malignant tumors. Cannabichromene, or CBC, is a low-level cannabinoid. The little research has been done, scientists believe CBC may have an antidepressant effect, as well as the ability to reduce inflammation.
CBC strongly inhibits tumor growth in leukemia and breast cancer. Faced with all these new discoveries, one is brought to question what stops marijuana from being legalized for medical use all across the country. And it’s not only doctors calling for legalization.
Lagalise marijuana
I was opposed to the medical marijuana initiative because it created a morphadigme. You’ve got marijuana that’s legal and you’ve got marijuana that’s illegal. And therefore you’ve got a built-in problem is how do you determine who’s legal and who isn’t? And of course, with it being illegal, it’s a built-in government price support. So as long as it’s illegal, there’s going to be money in it. If it was decriminalized, you know, everybody could grow in their backyard. Nobody could go by ripping them off at gunpoint or any other thing because it wouldn’t be worth anything.
We wouldn’t have to worry about people that were illegally transporting marijuana. We would know you would have a license from the state. We made contact with you coming down highway 101, for example, with a truckload of marijuana. If we were to stop you for a minor traffic violation and detect the odor of marijuana, you could simply produce credentials indicating that you have a right to do this, that you’re sanctioned by the state to make this happen. You’re licensed by the state, that would be very, very beneficial for law enforcement.
After becoming a permanent fixture of the urban panorama in California, Oregon is beginning to open the first public venues for medical marijuana smokers.
Cannabis cafe’s
We’re at the Cannabis cafe’ today. This is a place where cardholders can come and medicate out of public view. So I have patients that are in stage five of cancer. We have people that were using AIDS medicines, the cocktails that are sold. They just destroy your organs and everything else. People were expecting them to die. Their families were just ready for them to go away. But then they started using medical marijuana and their appetites came back, they left some of those pharmaceuticals that were so harsh. Many times I’ve gotten calls from people who are OHSU or at the Veterans Administration Hospital here in Portland, and they couldn’t medicate out of public view. They had gone through procedures for four to six hours. And because of that, they needed a place to use their medicine. They had to go to an alley, they had to go to the back seat of their car. That was unsafe. And so we created this place for them, for us, a niche where we could use our medicine out of public view and enjoy each other. We’re social creatures. There’s nothing wrong with that.
But at the federal level, they’re still clinging to a more archaic view.
Is there a better way, and some people have suggested looking into a system of, that might be effective in stemming the tide of drugs from Mexico and then the border wars and the immigration problems from Mexico. Have you considered this as a possibility? I think anybody who looks at this problem considers it. And ultimately, when you look at it, rejects it. Let me ask you about many people.
I’m sorry, but there are too many individuals, both parents and I and others who have lost their lives to drugs to get a ready answer that it should be legalized
Name me a couple of parents who’ve lost their lives to marijuana. Can’t. Exactly. You can’t. Because that hadn’t happened and there hadn’t been a way because that’s been a constant thing in America since Harry Anslinger, because African-Americans used it and saw it as something that was crippling and gave it to the Latin Americans and put an ethnic tone to it.
When have we? Don’t we? Is there some time we’re going to see that we ought to prioritize meth, crack cocaine, and heroin and deal with the drugs that the American culture is really being affected by and lives are being lost?
That’s not to say that we can’t use cannabis as medicine, but as a plant, its quality, its purity, its strength, its consistency. It’s difficult to regulate. And because of that, it’s not ever likely to be reinstated into the pharmacopeia. I think the greatest hurdle is that we need to get Congress to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act. It’s just absurd that cannabis is still there. It has enormous medicinal value. It’s not addictive. It doesn’t have a significant withdrawal syndrome and it certainly is not really a menace to society.
The anti-cancer effect of marijuana known for years
The anti-cancer qualities of marijuana appear to have been known to the U.S. government for over 30 years. In a 1974/75 Medical College of Virginia study, led by Dr. Albert Munsen, they’ve discovered that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer: lung, breast, and virus-induced leukemia. The Virginia study was shut down and all further cannabis tumor research was abandoned.
Just as I said, the number of times that all of the available literature on marijuana, the safety and effectiveness, has been reviewed by the government-appointed bodies and have come back with the same conclusion that it’s safe and it’s, you know, useful and that that information gets ignored.
The problem remains, though, that nobody in Congress wants to be labeled soft on drugs. But as the states begin to legalize or continue to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis, I believe there will be a tipping point where the nation will be ready to change the law and allow people their right to use cannabis freely.