Cannabis Oil and Multiple Sclerosis

Cannabis Oil and Multiple Sclerosis Videos and Information

Do you or a loved one suffer from MS, Multiple Sclerosis?  There’s evidence that shows that cannabis oil can help with the symptoms of MS. The very first approved cannabis-based medication ever produced was for patients suffering with Multiple Sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating neurological disorder which affects over 20,000 people in South Africa. MS affects the central nervous system and can cause physical, cognitive and emotional issues. Cannabis oil can reduce spasticity, it can diminish pain and it can improve the tone of one’s muscles.  

This is not medical advice.  However, below we’ve assembled medical studies, patient testimonials as well as doctors speaking about how cannabis and cannabis oil can increase the quality of life for those suffering with multiple sclerosis – for you and for our MS customers in South Africa. 

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Testimonials from Patients about: Cannabis Oil Multiple Sclerosis

Justin Loizos: Using Cannabis oil for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Justin manages his aggressive form of multiple sclerosis with cannabis oil – a combination of Rick Simpson Oil and CBD Oil.  Justin has kept his multiple sclerosis symptoms under control and kept him from going to hospital to receive 1000mg prednisone treatments.

Marijuana vs Multiple Sclerosis: 5 minutes 42 seconds

Cannabis Oil vs. Multiple Sclerosis:

Hi. My name is Justin Loizos. this is MJ verse MS. That’s marijuana verses multiple sclerosis.

Diagnosed with MS

I was unfortunately diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012. I have a very aggressive form of the disease. One that, every four to six months, I need to be put into the hospital for emergency steroid treatments where I’m getting 1000 milligrams of prednisone throughout my body for roughly a week. And then I get titrated down. That’s usually done with an infusion, and then pills sometimes as well. I really don’t enjoy that process. But every once in a while, when my aggressive form of my disease takes charge and I can’t settle it down.

I have rare form of the disease, which is a combination of relapsing remitting, and progressive MS. The best of both worlds. Unfortunately, it makes it a little difficult. But cannabis has really helped. It’s interesting. The last time that I was in the hospital was January 4th of this year. It is now November 5th of 2017. This is the longest I’ve been out of the hospital for emergency steroid treatment since I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The one thing that I feel is responsible is the amount of cannabis that I’ve had – that’s around 1,000 milligrams of THC, along with a few hundred milligrams of CBD every day.

At the end of October things were looking bad. Dire. I was ready to go. I was ready to tap. I was ready to go to the hospital and just give up. There was nothing the cannabis was doing. It was a full-on attack and there wasn’t much I was able to do. I did have a lot of capsules I made of cannabis oil. It’s a cannabis concentrate known as a Rick Simpson Oil that I that I mixed with CBD. I just started to almost overdose on them. It came out to about… the first night… in 24 hours of beginning that process, I consumed around eight to ten thousand milligrams of cannabinoids, half THC, half CBD ( CBD isolate). The THC was from a full plant extract done in a Rick Simpson oil.

This is a CBD isolate and I’m just going to mix it right in there. It’s going to be a great mix. There have actually been double-blind peer-reviewed studies for multiple sclerosis with THC and CBD alone, and THC with CBD. They found that it really works well. It’s real medicine. And I just had a conversation with my doctor. He was telling me, “…but there are no studies on the amounts you’re doing…” and I say, “Yeah, but doctor, it’s the same as when you give me those steroids… the thousand milligrams of prednisone when they gave it intravenous for a week… yeah it’s like that.” It’s like that it’s crazy. You would never do it. They never even give it at the pharmacy. It’s madness right? But it’s like this: Who’s going to take this much cannabis? Me. Crazy cancer patients. Open up your mind. It’s incredible. It’s done what the steroids do in the past. It stops the attack. It doesn’t help me rebuild, or anything like that, but it stops the major attack. My cannabis was able to do that. Finally, the thing I’m so scared of, going to the hospital for those crazy infusions which are very harmful, but work, I potentially don’t have to do those anymore. I wanted to report that. 6,000 Milligrams for six days which allowed me to stop the attack.

Now it’s been a couple weeks and I’m trying to rebuild. And I’m on a rollercoaster. It’s up and down. A lot of cyto relapses that I caused on my own just living life, and running a business, and pushing myself a little too hard. But I’m staying positive. And I feel like this is one of the biggest breaks that I’ve ever had. We’re winning. It’s incredible. I’m going to keep you posted.

This is the longest I’ve been out of the hospital. The worst-case scenario is if I need the steroids. I’ll take them, but somehow, I’m going to do whatever I can to not take them. I wanted to share with you and, hopefully, it can help you out in a situation. Maybe you can get the same relief that I’m getting. It’s incredible. And I’m healing. MJ verse MS: marijuana verses multiple sclerosis. Cannabis oil works. It really heals. If you have multiple sclerosis, I don’t know what I would do without cannabis in my life since I started suffered with MS. That’s all I know. Anyways, good luck. Blessings and peace.

CBD Oil for Multiple Sclerosis: 4 minutes

Testimonials from Doctors about Cannabis Oil and Multiple Sclerosis

Can Marijuana Help Multiple Sclerosis? 3 minutes 13 seconds

Does CBD Oil Help Multiple Sclerosis? 3 minutes 32 seconds

CBD for Multple Sclerosis? 22 minutes 56 seconds

Introducing Dr. Frank Michalski

Hi. My name is Stacey Pits, and I’m the co-founder of CBD Biocare. And joining me today is Dr. Frank Michalski, who’s a chiropractor but also a certified medical professional in New York. And he is our CBD Biocare expert. He sees patients on a daily basis using CBD Biocare. And he’s been studying this now for several years. And as our go-to expert, today we’re going to talk about a topic that we’re hearing more and more about. And I think the research is really promising in terms of:

How CBD can help people with MS or multiple sclerosis.

Thanks for having me. I’m really glad that we decided to address this topic because I think, as you mentioned to me before, all of us, most of us, know somebody with MS. So, of course, whenever we hear of something or talk to people who have conditions, and we know that CBD, because that’s our field, that’s what we’re passionate about. If we know that it can help people, we want to provide the science, we want to provide your expertise and your information, combined with our expertise and what we know about CBD and say, how can CBD help these people fighting this autoimmune disease?

Of course. So, this one really hits home for me, and I’m glad that we’re doing it, because, in Buffalo, we have a huge prevalence of MS. We have one of the largest clinics of neurology that takes on on MS here locally. So, this is really an important topic, and CBD is extremely promising when it comes to helping those suffering from MS. And I like to start, when I explain this topic, by referencing the government patent that is out there on CBD because it provides a nice summary of how CBD may benefit MS.

CBD is a powerful neuroprotectant without side-effects

And what that patent basically explains is that cannabis, and mind you, CBD comes from the cannabis plant, has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant and neuroprotectant. So what does that mean? That means that CBD has been shown to protect our nervous system, which is composed of our brain and our spinal cord. If we know people suffering from MS, the two primary areas that become attacked are the nerves which are located in the brain and the spinal cord. So anything that registers as a neuroprotectant, something that’s going to protect our nerves is very, very beneficial. I think it’s all the more beneficial when the government actually holds the patent and some of the research on that topic. Now, in that patent, I like to go on and just reiterate, they also mention that CBD does not appear to have that toxicity potential, those harsh side effects, that some of these other drugs out there have. So it’s a strong neuroprotectant, a strong neuro antioxidant without all of the potential side effects that we see from some of these other medications that I’m sure people with MS have experienced in the past.

So that would be the basis of it. Cbd is a strong neuroprotectant and anti-inflammatory. It helps to fight inflammation.

What is multiple sclerosis and what is the myelin sheath?

For those viewers who don’t fully understand MS, on a very simple level, imagine this. Imagine your nerves being a copper wire. And imagine a plastic coating around that copper wire. If that plastic coating becomes damaged, it’s very, very hard for those copper wires to communicate. Now, on the nerves in our body, we have a coating around them called the myelin sheath. This is what becomes attacked in MS. It’s an autoimmune disease. The body starts to attack its own Myalin, its own plastic coating around the nerves. When that happens, the nerves can no longer communicate back and forth to one another. And this then leads to inflammation of the nerves, inflammation of the brain. And what we’re hearing right from the government patent is that CBD seems to play a role as a strong neuroprotectant.

Now, more exciting, I would say, is there are clinical trials underneath the pharmaceutical drug Sativex. It’s not currently legal in the United States or approved by the FDA, but they are seeing very, very promising literature for the use of cannabinoids to actually treat MS.  I will say as a disclaimer…

What is Sativex?

Sativex a one to 1 ratio of THC to CBD. So it does involve THC. And for many of those suffering from MS, the THC does seem to play a role in helping with the muscle spasticity and some of the pain that they experience.

Does CBD repair nerve damage?

So do you think that the CBD helps repair or restore that sheet, or do you think that the CBD is calming the triggers that create a flare-up in someone that has MS?

Of course. I think we’re still waiting for the research to be able to say it’s repairing. I would love to believe that. And I hope one day we find that. And I wouldn’t be surprised if we do. But for right now, most of the focus on the research is calming down the triggers that surround MS. So most people suffering fromMS will agree that stress is a trigger. It results in a flare-up. A flare-up might be muscle spasticity, very bad fatigue.  And pain, an increase in pain.

What are the triggers for multiple sclerosis?

Stress. Stress is a trigger. Heat sensitivity is often a trigger for MS. Infections. Common infections, such as the cold or the flu, are often triggers for MS. And insomnia would probably be the other large trigger because insomnia certainly can result in fatigue. So we know that CBD can benefit a healthy stress response. We know that CBD has anti-anxiety effects, that’s already been proven. So if we have a patient with MS and they’re very anxious, they work a high-stress job or they’re stressed because, unfortunately, this disease has put them on disability.  If CBD can help with that. I think that’s an amazing thing.

CBD protects the immune system

We know CBD benefits the immune system. Now, can I say it prevents the flu or prevents a cold? No, but we do know it’s an antioxidant. It has positive benefits on our immune system. So if we can use CBD to prevent an immune system flare up, that’s a great thing. And I’m sure you’ll agree with this one, Stacy. Sleep and pain are probably the top two reasons we hear people using CBD Biocare products, right?

CBD promotes sleep

When it comes to sleep, how many people have you heard say that their sleep is better and that their pain is decreased? So if we can help people suffering from MS with sleep cycles, helping get them a healthier sleep cycle and helping them reduce pain, could we then potentially have less flare-ups? Could that then potentially lead to a slowing down to the progression of that disease? I don’t think it’s going to be long before the research points us in that direction.

Research on MS has progressed

It’s so encouraging to hear that. I had a friend in high school who actually passed away from MS, and she died very early and left children behind. And it was really, really devastating. And thank goodness, that was 25 years ago because she died about five years out of high school, so very, very young. And you don’t really hear that anymore, at least within the people that I’ve associated with. So, thank goodness, it seems that the medical community has progressed in terms of treating people or helping people live a full life with this disease. But it is so encouraging when I hear you talk about what CBD could potentially do for the millions of people who are suffering from this disease, to give them a better quality of life. And now you’re seeing celebrities that are coming out and they’re stating that they have MS and living a relatively normal, quote, unquote lifestyle, which is amazing. And that’s what we want. And so if CBD can come along and partner with those people, if you will, and say, Hey, we’re going to help you sleep better, we’re going to help to reduce stress. We’re going to help with the pain. Some people have tremendous success using CBD for pain. Some people find that it helps with the pain. But, wow, are they sleeping better. So everybody’s a little bit different, but it’s so encouraging to hear what you’re saying.

Personal testimony on the effects of cannabis oil on multiple sclerosis patient

I’ve worked one on one with an individual I can think of. We’re not going to use names, but he’s very prominent on YouTube speaking about MS. And it’s really amazing that I got that opportunity. I was actually working with them on a fitness regimen. They were actually exercising and strengthening their muscles. And he would be the first one to tell you how much he supports cannabis and how much it’s actually done for him. He was one of those using more of a one to 1 ratio through dent neurology.  But even with the additional CBD, he felt there was further benefit. And I can tell you, I saw it firsthand. It was really an amazing thing, and it’s not that everyone’s going to get those results. I do believe there are many people. Because you’re seeing their personal stories, I got to see one of them first hand. It was truly an incredible transformation, especially as we here in New York that occurred after we got the legalization for medical marijuana. It was really an amazing thing.

I was just going to say, cannabis continues to amaze me. It’s really been off my radar for so many years, I thought it was just honestly something people with cancer wanted to use to help with pain and to help them with end-of-life coping. That was my only real idea of what medical cannabis means. And now we know without a shadow of a doubt that medical cannabis means two things:

Medical Grade Cannabis

it means medical-grade hemp – that is the exact same thing as the marijuana plant except it has low THC, and then you have an oil with all the cannabinoids with all the terpenes and everything wonderful and that’s what we offer at CBD Biocare – a full spectrum, full plant, wonderful medicinal product. And then, on the flip side, you have what we used to think was the only medical cannabis out there, which was the medical marijuana product that people used.

Are cannabis laws changing?

And thank goodness the laws are changing. CBD is legal for us to ship to anywhere in the United States and 40 countries around the world. The laws on cannabis, in general, are loosening up so you have to check what’s available in your own state or city. But, it’s so encouraging because we’re learning more and there is still so much to learn.

Choosing THC or CBD or both

But let’s talk a little bit more because I don’t know that people are going to understand the one-to-one ratio. We always tell people, look CBD is legal, and it’s easy to get. It’s easy to take. There’ are some things that you need to know to make sure that you’re getting a quality product and you can go to our website, on the homepage, and there are six points there. It talks about the six things you need to know before you buy a CBD product to make sure that you’re getting good quality. Of course, we’d welcome your business at CBD Biocare. We’re here to answer your questions. Dr. Frank is available to you, so that is available. Second of all, try CBD. Enter that into your regimen. Dr. Frank can talk more about when do you incorporate, or when do you search for THC. I always say, cannabis works. It’s a matter of finding what works for you. When is CBD alone okay, and when do you need to explore entering into the THC community and start seeing if that can help give you even more benefit.  If you could take that a step further from your standpoint talking about how much. Where do you start and when is THC an option?

In our experience, here in New York, so this is how we work with people if they’re not already seeing a neurologist, which all of them are. Everyone I work with is already seeing a neurologist. It’s usually the neurologist who introduces the idea of the THC and then we kind of handle the CBD side of things. When it comes to CBD, I think that’s the easiest starting point. You don’t need to go through a registry in New York. You don’t need to get a medical card for it. It’s just much easier to acquire a quality product. Obviously, we work with your company and that’s it’s easy for us. We usually start patients on that if they’re not already using a THC product, which here in New York many already are. I think they actually have statistics on this. As high as 66% of people with MS are actually using cannabis already. The reason why we start with CBD is most of the health benefits revolved around cannabis are from the CBD itself. In our opinion, less is more. Not that we have anything at all against THC, but if you could get away with just a CBD product and potentially avoid any of those psychoactive effects, why would you not want to do that? Now in my experience, the individuals who start to speak with their neurologists to seek out the THC-containing products in addition to the CBD, are the ones who are really suffering from pain and muscle spasticity. Those individuals with the more advanced symptoms of MS seem to do quite well with the THC-containing products. In New York, we’re not allowed to advise on THC. They have to go through a registered physician that’s set up with a medical marijuana clinic. But, the people that I see going that that direction are the ones with the really bad muscle spasms and the ones with a lot of pain. And again, that depends on the progression of the disease. How long ago were they diagnosed? How advanced is it?  That’s really where we start to see THC become involved. Sativex, you said this earlier, is a one-to-one ratio, which means it’s one part THC one part CBD. Equal quantities of each one of the main things they talked about in their findings with the clinical trials was the improvement of quality of life. That was what people said. The pain was down. Fatigue was not so bad. Sleep was improved. Focus was improved. Quality of life factors. And, when you look at the treatments currently out there, with traditional medical treatments the aim is to help these people have a better quality of life because right now, there is no cure-all.

Cannabis oil allows a reduction in other medications 

The other thing I would like to mention too, that we’ve seen first-hand, and that they saw in this clinical trial with Sativex in other countries, these people were able to significantly reduce other medications. Let’s not forget, many people suffering from MS are prescribed opioids. They’re prescribed anti-anxiety medications – benzodiazepines. They’re prescribed antidepressants and pills for insomnia. All those medications come with side effects. We are always fans of less is more. I think most people out there at this point in time would agree that they want to be taking less, not more. Those using CBD – I believe many of them accomplish that.

Is MS easily diagnosed?

Is MS easily diagnosed? I’ve heard some things before with some reports that have stated that people can have MS-like symptoms but not actually have MS. Do you think that this is a disease that is misdiagnosed often or do you think that’s not really an issue?

I don’t know so much about misdiagnosis, but I think it’s missed a lot. We’ve seen this before. We had one case of MS in my five and a half years. They had seen so many people for numbness and tingling in the legs and no one ever thought a young female… no one ever thought MS. We were fortunate that having the background that I had, through functional medicine, it was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw her. I wasn’t even thinking about chiropractic work, I was thinking this girl might have MS. And, it turned out, she got worked up by a neurologist and she did. I think maybe sometimes at the entry-level medical visit, it might be missed, or it might be blown off as back pain or sciatica pain. That I do believe is still a problem. Once you’re into the neurologist’s office and they’re doing blood work, and they’re doing MRIs of the cervical spine in the brain, and they’re doing a spinal tap, at that point I think a diagnosis of MS is pretty comprehensive, especially with the nerve conduction studies involved. But, there are such things as just an acute flare-up of MS-like symptoms. It’s MS, but it doesn’t really qualify, and you just kind of watch it as it goes. They’ll tell you at the physician’s office, we’ll watch and see if this might be MS, but at this point, we’re not going to do anything. Maybe they’ll just prescribe a one or two-time prednisone steroid pack. There are acute MS flare-ups, then you have progressive MS, and then there are three or four different types. I’m certainly not the expert on I’m each type. But there is one that is just acute. I think the more knowledge the entry-level non-specialists have about it – your physical therapists, your chiropractor, your primary care physician, your gastroenterologist, your OBGYN, the more knowledge they have, that should eventually lead to a better diagnosis. But once they’re in that neurologist’s office I think it’s pretty concrete.

Where to start with cannabis oil dosage

Okay good to know.  I think the most logical next question is, where to start? I automatically think if somebody is suffering from nerve pain and having some of these flare-ups, I immediately go to the 3,500ml, because it’s our strongest. You can take one drop, or you can take a full dropper, but is that too much? Where would you recommend people start?

We say in all of our videos it’s going to be very individualized. I, in my experience and talking to patients, and working with patients, don’t see anyone below 30 milligrams a day. I think that’s very unusual. 30 Milligrams a day, and the 3500, is very simple: it’s two drops in the morning, two drops in the afternoon, and two drops in the evening. I love the 3500 milligram because one drop is five milligrams of CBD. I think that’s a very easy way for patients to work up or work down that serving size, or that dosage. We’re always recommending the 3500 when we see a disease like I’m MS, and most of the authorities, the books that you see written, the research out there would recommend between that standard to macro dose, which is anywhere from 10 milligrams a day upwards of 400 milligrams a day. I’ve seen studies referencing giving people upwards of fourteen hundred milligrams a day. I wouldn’t recommend that. That’s not something I’m doing. But, they reported that it was tolerated in some of these individuals. I think most people are probably going be on between 30 and 300 milligrams a day. That’s probably safe. But hence, the 3,500 – to get the 500 it’s not enough per drop, and I love being able to say one drop is five milligrams, two drops is ten, three drops is 15. It’s simple. It leads to easy compliance, and the nice thing about any CBD product that you’re taking of ours is that you can increase or decrease as needed. If you’re having a flare-up then you would want to take more to manage that flare-up, or the pain, and the other nice thing is that you’re not going to hurt yourself. You’re not going to overdose. You can take more when needed, or take less when needed. A lot of people are going to ask this too, so you should always work with your neurologist. Of course, on these topics, chances are you’re going to be using other medications. Of course, now I can say this. From the Sativex study, some other things that they looked at – the amazing thing was, even in higher amounts, CBD was well tolerated in the presence of other medications. People always ask about medication interactions and there’s always that potential. It’s good to make your physician aware. They’re not seeing those interactions with commonly prescribed MS drugs. That does not, at the time, seem to be a concern. Let your medical team make them aware but the concern just is not there right now. In the literature it’s it appears very well tolerated and very, very safe. And to your point, we always tell people that this is just what the research is suggesting, and we’re sharing our experiences and our knowledge of the CBD products. But, of course, always work with your physician. We’re certainly not recommending that you stop taking the medication that you’ve been given, but we do have so many success stories of people talking about medications being decreased. To your point, what if it helps with sleep? Now you’re not taking some other product to help with sleep. So often in the medical community, we find that we take this pill and then this pill causes us to take this pill, and so forth. So, really, really encouraging information from you today. Of course, any time. I’m happy to share.

Like I said, MS is a huge problem here. I’m from Buffalo, New York, so this is always a topic I love spreading information about. Well, I’m sure it will help people around the country and even around the world and I’m excited to see more on what the research says and how CBD will continue to help people who are suffering from this disease, so thank you, Dr. Frank. Anytime Stacey, thank you.

CBD Oil for Multple Sclerosis – Gunver Juul: 4 minutes 54 seconds

Gunver Juul (Danish Holistic Biomedicine School)

In this interview, Gunver Juul (Danish Holistic Biomedicine School) explains how she has used CBD oil in her practice to help patients with MS, ALS and other neurological issues.

General: Cannabis Oil and Multiple Sclerosis

Using Cannabis to Treat Multiple Sclerosis – Jessica Peters: 4 minutes 47 seconds

Is cannabis oil effective for multiple sclerosis?

There’s a great deal of international research that shows that multiple sclerosis patients can benefit significantly from cannabis oil. On top of that, we also have a great deal of on the ground anecdotal evidence that multiple sclerosis patients receive benefits from cannabis, in particular CBD rich medications. International studies have shown that cannabis can reduce spasticity, improve muscle tone, reduce muscle soreness, and overall improve mobility for multiple sclerosis patients. These are hugely significant parts of the quality of life that these patients are needing and seeking.

What are some of the benefits when using cannabis oil for multiple sclerosis?

A recent study of multiple sclerosis patients engage with cannabis showed that compared to a placebo group, patients who are consuming cannabis to address their multiple sclerosis had a reduction of body soreness by twofold as compared to those who are not consuming it. Those same patients who experience such a great reduction in muscle stiffness also experienced a reduction of pain overall and radically improved sleep as compared to the placebo group who did not engage in cannabis.

What specific guidance would you give someone using cannabis oil for treatment of multiple sclerosis?

When you’re approaching cannabis medications as a new patient with multiple sclerosis who’s seeking out options, I think looking at CBD rich medications is probably the most significant point to take note of. Delivery systems will also match are a great deal for multiple sclerosis patients in terms of their ability to engage with the medications. But what I see in my personal experience is that CBD rich tinctures and CBD rich full extract oils are typically the easiest and most beneficial for multiple sclerosis patients, and topicals are also of great value for multiple sclerosis patients.

Which approach in cannabis medicine should multiple sclerosis patients consider first?

For multiple sclerosis patients when approaching cannabis, I think it’s important to look at what your most significant problematic symptomatic expression is, meaning some multiple sclerosis patients experience pain as their number one problem in relation to their multiple sclerosis, whereas others mobility is a bigger concern. Certainly the type of cannabis medications that you can consume will affect different components of your experience as a multiple sclerosis patient. If someone needs improved sleep, you might look towards THC or CBN as options, as opposed to patients with multiple sclerosis that are looking for improved muscle movement, reduce spasticity, and improved tone, then CBD rich medications might be a better option.

Cannabis oil dosage for multiple sclerosis

When dealing with a chronic ailment like multiple sclerosis, it’s really important to consider the frequency of dosing. I personally suggest two to 3 times a day at a minimum, up to even four, for patients that are experiencing something like multiple sclerosis, wherein it affects their quality of life throughout the day and evening.

How to take cannabis oil for MS

While there’s a wide variety of delivery systems for patients with multiple sclerosis to engage with, my personal preferences would be to consider tinctures and topicals first and then perhaps move your way into vaporizing capsules, edibles, and other formats as well, depending on your needs. The reason to focus on tinctures and topicals first is that with tinctures you’re able to move very, very slowly in your dosing protocol, whatever type of cannabinoid you’re engaged with, and topicals, given that they produce no psychoactive effects, are an easy go to for multiple sclerosis patients to feel safe if they’re new to cannabis and know that they will not experience any psychoactivity whatsoever.

How soon might a typical multiple sclerosis patient see benefit with cannabis oil?

multiple sclerosis patients trying out cannabis as a medication option are likely to receive benefits immediately. That said, those benefits are likely to also improve over time as the patient continues their cannabis dosing protocol.

Will cannabis oil cure MS or just provide relief?

While we don’t have enough data and research to suggest that cannabis can cure multiple sclerosis, I think that what we do know from both research and anecdotal experience is that the benefits of cannabis to multiple sclerosis patients are so significant that we should continue to push forward both in our experiential engagement with it and in our research.

Can Taking Cannabis Improve the Quality of Life for People with MS?: 1 minutes 48 seconds

Scientific Studies on the Effectiveness of Using Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis

Studies And Clinical Trials

Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Cannabis Oil South Africa:

MS is the condition which has most commonly been associated with the therapeutic use of cannabis. It was the increasing illicit use of cannabis to treat MS that led to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee inquiry in 1998 (76). The approval of Sativex (nabiximols) for the treatment of spasticity in MS is the first licensed cannabis medicine in modern times.
– Sativex (nabiximols) – factsheet. MS Trust, 2014.

Most MS patients also suffer from chronic pain, for which evidence in respect of medicinal cannabis is set out above.

A great deal of research has been carried out on cannabinoids in MS but much of it is fundamentally flawed by focusing on individual and/or synthetic cannabinoids, in particular the large scale CUPID trial used oral, synthetic THC (dronabinol). It is difficult to understand why this reductionist approach has been taken in view of evidence on the ‘entourage effect’ and that these studies were inspired by anecdotal reports of using whole plant cannabis.
– Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. Ethan B Russo. 2011
– A tale of two cannabinoids: the therapeutic rationale for combining tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Russo E, Guy GW. 2006
– Terpenoids, ‘minor’ cannabinoids, contribute to ‘entourage effect’ of Cannabis-based medicines. F. Gardner 2011

There is a clear consensus amongst scientists and doctors that cannabis is safe and effective as a palliative treatment for MS.
– Do cannabis-based medicinal extracts have general or specific effects on symptoms in multiple sclerosis? A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study on 160 patients. Mult Scler, 2004.
– Efficacy, safety and tolerability of an orally administered cannabis extract in the treatment of spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Mult Scler. 2004.
– Randomized, controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 2005.

Further promising research is underway into whether cannabinoids may have a curative effect by promoting repair of the myelin sheath
– Cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis (CAMS) study: safety and efficacy data for 12 months follow up. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2005.
– Strategies for Protecting Oligodendrocytes and Enhancing Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis. Discov Med, 2013.
– Role of cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis. CNS Drugs, 2011.

About Cannabis Oil South Africa

Cannabis Oil South Africa supplies Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil, a full extract cannabis oil.  Based in Johannesburg, we sell cannabis oil with delivery to the whole of South Africa, including Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.  Click here for our shop.

Cannabis Oil is also known as THC Oil, Hemp Oil, Dagga Oil, Weed Oil, Fully Extracted Cannabis Oil (Feco), Hash Oil, Phoenix Tears Oil, commonly misspelt as Fenix Tears.
